A few weeks ago I bought an awesome SuG T-Shirt from
16bithero which arrived finally yesterday. <3
So I couldn't resist wearing it immediatly on the Visual Culture Party in Münster last evening!
shirt ! (my face looks.. fat. O.o)
outfit for ViCu ^^
Oshare Boy, ne ne |DD
About ViCu: It was okay and I had a lot of fun.
They even played "Life2Die" this time!! *__* Shin-kun and me rocked the house! XDD
But there were also these little "dramas" like always.. *sigh*Now every part of my body hurts a lot.. and you don't want to know how we looked lke when Aiji and me came home at nine in the morning. x'DD
I feel definitly a little dead now. lol
I'll share photos from the party when they're online. >3
mata ne.