LM.C Tour Part I & II

Apr 14, 2010 18:33

Since saturday I'm back from Hamburg and Munich.
It was just.. incredible awesome...!
Right now I'm already missing the best band ever. u.u <3
But on sunday I'll see them again. :'>
So for now I'll post the getting personal-with-LM.C-stuff in short here!
A long report can be found at my animexx weblog in German.

I am in Denki-san's and Jun's blog *__*
here. The one with the hat in first row and checkerd bag XD;
And here ^^
With my hat again XDD

So the personal things:
During "Bokura no mirai" in Hamburg my friend Maayatan started to cry, because she was so happy. I cried nearly, too. XD;
Maya noticed that because we were in front row and asked her why she was crying.
She told him why and he said "This song is always yours" to her.
I don't know if you read their myspace blog, but he wrote about it there.

At the handshaking-party after the concert I told Aiji in Japanese that he's my favourite and he smiled very.. embaressed. XD;
Before my gave me his hand, he looked at me, chuckled happily and patted my hat 8DD;
Then I told him that we would come again to Munich and he smiled and wouldn't let go of my hand... x///x He has such super soft hands *O*

In Munich we went to the autographsession and when Aiji saw me he looked very surprised, smiled, poked Maya and Maya let out a loud "Ooooreeee?!" XDD;
Aiji nodded and smiled and maya said "Nice to see you again" to me *^*

During the show in Munich he wanted so say "Sing along" in German to us~
That would have been "Mitsingen" but nobody understood him at first because it was something like "Mitojingeeen" >D;
But Maa-tan and I understood and screamed "Mitsingen! Mitsingen!" so he came to me and gave the microphone to me and I said it loud into the mic x___X"
Than he was able to say it properly. XD;

Another thing was that during Punky Heart he suddenly stood in front of me and looked at me again...
He pointed to my head and I was like WTF?! at first..
Then I pointed to my hat, he nodded, I took it off and gave it to him... And then he put it on his own head and jumped around with it during the song. XDDD;
I stood there looking like O______O.

After the concert we waited for them behind the venue, because we had muuuch time until our train home came...
We watched the staff packing away the stuff and merch, watched Jun und Yuuya jumping around in front of the bus. XD
The manager came to us saying "Samui desu neee?" (It's cold, right?).. totally random. 8DD;
And after nearly two hours they came out and maya walked out directly just centimeters away from me. *__*
He smiled and said byebye maybe a thousand times and stopped by to say "Please don't get a cold". That was cute that he cares so much. ^__^
Aiji (he wore adidastrainingtrousers and flip flops XDD) shouted "See you in Budapest!" to us, but he was gone so fast we couldn't tell him that we'll only see them in Bochum again next week. ><"

And well.. that was it :'DDD


lm.c concerts, munich, hamburg

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