ok, sorry ateh takeoutfries (wahh! i don't know what to call you instead ateh>_<" blak ko nga ateh shakey's pi eh>_<") this maybe considered spamming or etc. but please! i need heeeel~p! how can i limit the posts appearing on my journal? because it's really annoying scrolling down that long (* i never do short posts>_<") and tiring too, how can i limit it? like yours, we'll just click a link in the sort of summary (how can i do that too?)to this post and be redirected here? im muddleheaded right now so this question might come confusing but please answer me>_<" anymore~!! help~~!! TToTT
It's called an "lj-cut", dear. When you do an entry, browse over the options you have on the toolbar (e.g. Bold, Italics, etc.). There's one that says "LiveJournal Cut"--and what you do with that is you highlight all the text you want to be hidden behind this "lj-cut", then click the LiveJournal Cut icon, and tadaa~ you have an lj-cut
( ... )
Im sorry for that previous post :( I was feeling unwell that time and my head really hurts, plus the fact that Im not the one who typed>_<" I asked my sis to type that for me.. I'm very sorry if it offended you in anyway.. but I really thank you for the advice and the answer, :)
hehe^^ thanks for the advice^^ we do have the same habit of using ">_<" 's all the time^^ hehe^^ that style rubbed off of me>_<" im very sorry, i'd learn^^ thanks again^^
previous post :(
I was feeling unwell that time
and my head really hurts, plus the
fact that Im not the one who
typed>_<" I asked my sis
to type that for me..
I'm very sorry if it offended you in anyway..
but I really thank you for the advice and the answer, :)
I do not seek excuses but the change itself. :) So I hope you take my advice to heart. :D
thanks for the advice^^
we do have the same habit of using ">_<" 's
all the time^^ hehe^^ that style rubbed off of me>_<"
im very sorry, i'd learn^^ thanks again^^
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