Updated: 29/10/10
Hidden fullcollapse Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
"...I know you don't think I can make it better, but I'm not going to try to fix it with pills or razors or drinks. I am determined to fix it with this, Ryan." I took his hand by the wrist and pressed it against the left side of my chest. "You probably can't feel it, but it's beating for you."
All He Knows fullcollapse Brendon/Ryan | PG
He knows it's Brendon's way of feeling certain things and not letting himself feel others, and really, Ryan understands, but it still makes his chest ache for the boy who can't ever seem to feel the right things.
Do You Know What I'm Seeing? withthevampires Brendon/Ryan | 12
Brendon starts acknowledging it second, what with the intensifying stabbing pain of neglect in his chest. He is watching the crack between himself and the other three grow wider and wider, Spencer with a foot either side unsure of which way to jump, and there is nothing Brendon can do to stop it.
We All Carry These Things Inside That No One Else Can See moonaliee Brendon/Ryan | R
He had to be perfect or no one would love him.
So Catch Me Up behindthec Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
It's not so different from before, really -- a dance and a stage and words, choreographed and predictable. Ryan could do the steps in his sleep.
and the clock strikes twelve whisperdlullaby Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Brendon sinks into his chest, gaze landing on the mirror in front of them. "Look at us," he breathes, even though Ryan already is.
Papercut panic_smile Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
They're touring and Ryan's different, making the atmosphere in the band pretty tense. Brendon just tries to fix things.
Flowers panic_smile Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Brendon's learning that the world is made up of many things, including evil. He also learns that that evil is usually attracted to good people.
For His Sons (And Their Three Separate Hearts) panic_smile Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Ryan thinks that hearts aren’t those big bouncy things that girls draw on love notes. No, they’re more lumpy, more thin and dripping.
Darkness Often Yields The Brightest Light anditscourtney Brendon/Ryan | R
You once said everything you say is a lie.
The Chronicles Of A Broken Man harbored_secret Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
Now he had just a shell of what he used to have.
S/he druscilla_way Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
Ryan has an imaginary friend, or imaginary enemy rather. She (or her) sinks sharp fingers into his skin and pierces into his thoughts.
The Beginner's Guide To Recognizing Your Saints lilywhitelilith Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
"We would get in fights all the time, just. Just out of frustration." Recording and growing up, sometimes at the same time.
Romantic Rights flash_indie Brendon/Ryan | PG
Ryan Ross is thirteen years old when he starts to write.
You See Me Through Kaleidoscope Eyes druscilla_way Implied Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
I’m just trying not to fall apart. It’s not an easy thing to accomplish when everyone thinks you have it together. I want to cry and I can’t make tears come. I want to scream and my voice gets stuck in my throat. So I just smile and laugh and it’s force and horrible and I look at the pictures of myself from parties and nights out and I can’t hardly recognize myself.
Voicemail druscilla_way Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
The aftermath of a fight. They're both anchored down by their phones, both anchored down by their stubbornness, both anchored down by their broken hearts.
Scratch That Last druscilla_way Brendon/Ryan | R
It's hotel rooms and empty tour buses and broom closets with locks. It's curses and air conditioning and an October breeze. It's looks and touches and the commitment of being uncommitted. It's two boys in love whether they like it or not.
Even Broken Hearts May Have Their Doubts alphabetatoast Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
Maybe that's why it's not working at the moment - why we can’t write. We're even out of time with each other.
This alphabetatoast Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
This is no resistance - the walls breached as easily as if they’d been made of paper. Paper hearts and safety scissors.
With All Your Heart addictedkitten Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
March 2009. Brendon and Ryan try to fix each other.
Broken Glass And Rusty Nails addictedkitten Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
When Ryan gets the tattoo, he bears it casually, sprawled out in the chair and smiling at Brendon's chatter as the needle traces over his skin.
That First Inconceivable Touch addictedkitten Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Ryan never gets what he wants like this. It's just not how his life works.
That Left A Mark addictedkitten Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Alcohol initially serves as a stimulant, then induces feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety. Consumption of two or three drinks in an hour can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and induce mild euphoria.
or i'll sleep in the rain battleofhydaspe Brendon/Ryan | G
In which Ryan is simply not suicidal, thank you very much.
claim the sky beingothrwrldly Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
The day Brendon meets Ryan Ross is the day his life will change forever.
to help me believe definitelines Ryan/Keltie, Ryan/Brendon | PG-13
Just before she crawls into bed, Keltie sends Ryan a text message with a single, simple heart. The phone buzzes in his pocket against the inside of Brendon's thigh, Ryan's hips between his spread legs.
Bright Copper Non-Sunsets diet_absinthe Brendon/Ryan | R
Hi, I’m Ryan Ross. You have a name that starts with a B and that’s all I know about you. I stare across a room of feebly drunk people and I see you with cocaine in my eyes in my lips on my ears in my brain and I think, BBBBBBBBBB.
Got To Know For Sure dimmingdivine Brendon/Ryan | R
He thinks that if this is how he and Ryan will be for the rest of their lives, he could be completely happy with that.
It's just that he'd be happier if they were something else.
Prickly Pear disarm_d Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Sometimes it's harder to remember where the line is though, when it's just the two of them.
Nothing To Do With You disarm_d Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Ryan's got his own reasons.
Fade fatal_overdose Brendon/Ryan | R
There are red roses upon red roses upon red roses upon one pale yellow flower.
Glass Slippers flash_indie Brendon/Ryan, Ryan/Keltie
“It’s not about me, it sure would be nice if it was. But it is not. It’s a story. It’s a make believe world that I do not live in.”
Under The Upas Trees jocondite Brendon/Ryan | R
They’ve had moments like this a million times over the years; Brendon waits for Ryan to sweep on and change the subject, like one of them always does, but Ryan just keeps staring back at him until it’s gone far too long for one of them to say something and slide them neatly over the fracture.
Perfection Lies In The Ultimate Flaw melish Brendon/Ryan | PG
“I want Ryan to have an eating disorder, and for Brendon to be protective and telling Ryan he's not fat. Hurt/Comfort basically. Boy-sex; no thanks, boy-kisses; yes please.”
Hold, Then Release myheartradio Brendon/Ryan | R
He is the canvas, his father the painter.
Leftover Green poisontrees Brendon/Ryan | R
He plays me a song with his desperation and in my head, I'm writing the words..
A Little Less Sixteen Candles redorchids Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
"To be honest, I kind of just want him to pound me."
Find Me Here samedifference_ Brendon/Ryan | PG-13
It means everything, Ryan wants to tell him. You writing things in five minutes that would take me weeks, means everything.
Maybe samedifference_ Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Paris. Slow Dancing. New Year’s Eve. Lights. Stars and Planets. Resolutions. Fear of the unknown.
Apart sateenmusta Brendon/Ryan | PG
Brendon paced to the window and pulled the blinds up, blinking at the sudden daylight invading the room. He opened the window and turned to face the room with a strange feeling in his throat. He swallowed it down, and the feeling settled somewhere around his stomach, burning as if he had just swallowed a mouthful of acid. The place looked awfully familiar - and yet so strange.
But I'll Stray softlyforgotten Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
"I thought we stopped doing this."
Mad As A Hatter streetstars Brendon/Ryan | R
"The city is just a bunch of fucked up people doing fucked up things. I’d like to paint it black."
Attention To Detail sunday_porch Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
Brendon paid attention to what would make Ryan chuckle, low and breathless, and what would make him shudder and bite his lip.
Atrial Fibrillation tip_painter Brendon/Ryan | NC-17
“You are not a fucking hippie,” Brendon says, and Ryan pauses. “Smoking pot and listening to Nirvana makes you seem like somebody who just doesn't care."
What's Another Word For Desperate? xihaveasecretx Brendon/Ryan
What's another word for desperate? He writes: fear, hope, love, me.