Jan 30, 2005 23:10
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored...obviously
i took out the stupid ones
What date are you writing this? January 30 2005
Name? Ashley
Date of birth? March 15, 1988
Sex? Female
Height? 5'4
Weight? 106
Location? Austin
Do you have a bf/gf? YES! and he is the best guy in the world
What are you wearing right now? The hello kitty PJ's that yvonne got me for Christmas
Are you a virgin? no
Do you drink? too often...........its actually sad
What is your favorite animal? MONKEY!!!!
Have you ever beat someone up? lol
Do you get online a lot? uh...ya i guess
Are you shy or outgoing? outgoing
Do you like to dance? heck yes.
Have you ever been suspended from school? haha sad to say yes, a couple times
Are you spoiled? uh......a little bit
Have you ever been dumped? no
What's your favorite drink? any alcohalic beverage
Do you drink a lot of water? yep yep yep
Do you have a cell phone or pager? cell
What jewelry do you wear? charm bracelet, class ring, heart ring and another heart ring, and a bangle bracelet my jason bought me and a necklace my jason bought me.
What do you have pierced? ears, and monroe
What do you want pierced? belly button
Do you like taking pictures? ya
Do you like getting your picture taken? no
Do you have a tan? uh i suppose
Do you get annoyed easily? yeah
Do you have your own phone/phone line? yes
Do you have any siblings? yep
Have you ever been played? haha
Have you ever played anyone? yes
How do you vent your anger? complain.....vent to friends
Do you have a job? nope
What do you have a tattoo of? none yet
What are your favorite flowers? roses, i know not original
What does your ex bf/gf look like? tall uh i dunno...he was Marshall Ruiz
Have you ever been chewed out? yeah
When was the last time you chewed someone out? 30 min. ago
Are you rude? haha ya
Last compliment you received? my hair looked good .....
Would or Have You Ever?
Been in love?: *sigh* oh yes
Done drugs?: yeah
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: yes
Had surgery?: yes
Gotten beaten up?: nope
Beaten someone up?: heck yes
Been picked on?: hehehe.....ya
Pulled an all nighter?: numerous times
Gone one day without food? why would i do that
Talked on the phone all night?: yup
Slept all day?: yeah, when im really hungover
Killed someone? what the hell...NO
Made out with a stranger?: nah
Had sex with a stranger?: gross.
Been betrayed?: oh yeah
Broken the law?: yup
Who is your best friend? Ashley, Brenda, Celena and Jason
Who's the one person that knows most about you? Jason.........and the gals
Thing you're picked on most about? Being Dramatic...hahaha
Who's your longest known friend? that im still close to.....brenda
Newest? ulysees.....he is funny
Shyest? chelsea
Funniest? everyone is so funny.....love yall
Sweetest? jason
Closest? the girls
Weirdest?: leane
Smartest? Brenda, Katy wise
Ditziest?: Roni and ash
Friends you miss being close to the most? The gals
Last person you talked to online?: celena
Who do you talk to most online? jason
Who are you on the phone with most?: jason
Who do you trust most?: jason
Who listens to your problems? jason
Who do you fight most with? playfully....jason seriously....parents
Who's the most outgoing? All of them...... Steve hall
Who's on your shit-list? the world
Who's your second family? diamonds and jason's family, they are always so welcoming
Who's the loudest friend? skiff....brenda
Who's house were you last at? Jason's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in? Jason's
Friend that lives farthest away? Mark in California and Kevin in Michigan
Everything else!
Your best quality physical/mental: hair/im always there for my friends
Your worst quality physical/mental: my facial profile/stubborn and dramatic
The most special thing someone did to cheer you up: everything jason does
First best friend: sierra
First car: PRELUDE
First date: raymond.....bleh
First real kiss: hmmmm......j.m
First break-up: bleh bleh bleh
First piercing/tattoo: ears
Last cigarette: year ago
Last car ride: 9 something
Last kiss: 9 something
Last good cry: about 30 min. ago
Last movie seen: friday night lights
Last beverage drank:water
Last food consumed: ice cream from jason briggs
Last phone call: jason
Last shoes worn: house shoes
What color socks are you wearing? pink fuzzy ones that Katy got me
What color of underwear are you wearing?: lavendar
What's under your bed?: clothes
Current mood: crushed
Current clothes: PJ's
Current annoyance(s): the world
Current hate: the world
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue? monroe
2) be serious or be funny? funny
3) drink whole or skim milk? I hate milk.....whole
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
flowers or angels? flowers
lust or love? love
sunrise or sunset? sunrise
M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
rap or rock? both
staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 11:14 pm
Full name? Ashley Duran (i know, no middle name im stupid)
Nick Names? Ash, monkey, Duran, Duran-Duran
Names and ages of siblings? Allison-30 Audrey-27 Johnny -11
Eye color: brown
Hair color: dark brown with light brown chunks
Piercing(s): ears and monroe geez..how many times is this question ganna come up