It's been so long...

May 01, 2009 12:07

I don't really know how to describe my life but it's anything but organized and routine.  I am currently living in Boulder Colorado since last August.  I had moved from Boston to Northern Alberta in a mad escape from some sort of emotional breakdown/ overload of stress.  I was lucky to have Trevor accept me into his and his family's life so that I could recover and make plans for where I wanted to go next.

I've made so many friends here in Colorado and feel that I really fit in.  It's so comforting to feel that I am just myself and not trying to be something else.  I haven't felt this liberated and free in soooo many years.  Probably not since highschool.  I have really accomplished a lot here all by myself.  No one to rely on, no friends and no job.  I found many friends on my own, found a GREAT job and a place to live and little places that I love to visit.

I am so lucky that I was given a beautiful mind, a loving heart and a courageous soul. 
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