Oct 25, 2005 22:18
Ay......it's been a long long day...
People continue to prove my point of hating people in general...
Work...what can I say about work? I do as much as I can but it's not enough...it's never enough. But why should I kill myself for them when just like in high school all they do is turn around and talk shit. I hate when people act like I do nothing...they don't see when I'm there till 6 or 6:30...or when I come in at that time in the morning...why? Because they're there to the second...not a minute early or late. But I'm the one not doing enough...(sigh) it's just frustrating...I have one friend there and that's good enough. Everyone else can go to hell for all I care. I'll deal with them when I have to but other then that I'll stick to my corner of the world.
I'm still sick...my head is killing me...my throat hurts...I can't sing for shit but I have to. Once On This Island opens next wednesday and will run for two weeks, my vocals must be on point...will be on point. Then I have to perform for Tonton's pedagogy (sorry if misspelled) class...I'm not ready, but as a favor to him I will do my best. Semi-happy moment of my life: I got the duet I auditioned for (Ceremony of Carols Nov. 20th)...but if I'm still sick it's gonna suck, that's what makes it only "semi" happy. I'm thrilled about getting the part, now I have to show her that I'm worth it (sigh)...here's hoping for the best.
Got out of work late, again...and still will never get paid for it (but God forbid I get there 15 minutes late because then I have to make sure to document it on my timesheet!)...had to go put in tech hours for music theatre. I've been helping paint the set. So I'm covered in paint right now...(Shruggs) could have been worse I guess. But it kills my back and knee to be doing all that stuff...but I have to get it in somehow. Oh and the painting lady (the paint nazi) can kiss my ass too...it's not necessary for her to be an ass 24/7!
Then I had plans to see my friend...but misunderstandings happen, he made plans with some girl, and now I'm here alone with my sulking, doing nothing...just like always.
I haven't eaten all day, but I'm convinced that the last thing I need is fast food...and there isn't anything at the house. There's always tomorrow.