Jun 28, 2006 08:31
This boy walked into my life... so long ago and I was blind. Blind to his uniqueness, his sensitivity, to the way he made me laugh and smile... the way he made me believe in life again.
Who says you need the tough stuff, the rough stuff? Who says you need the yelling and the anger and the fighting. Who says you need the challenges and the intellectual conversations. Who says?
I want to know why they want to take your happiness away. They put it in words like compromise and indecision.
The scary thing is love. People think you don’t know about love when your this age, but the fact is those people (our parents) were getting married at this age, so what did they know about love either. And how come I can say I love you to all the girls I want but when I feel the same way, the stronger different way towards that one, people tell me I shouldn't.
I question it too. The hurt and the pain I will feel if it ends. If we don’t get the annual garden in the front and the wild flower perennial garden in the back. If we fall out of love and come crashing down to earth. Believe me; it scares me half to death.
It is totally worth it. If you don't love hard, what are you living for? Accomplishment? Fame? You can have goals, and you can achieve, and if some people are completely satisfied with that I am very happy for them. I hope they make a difference in this world. For me, if I did something impossible, such as, going into space, or curing cancer, I don't think I would be satisfied without someone by my side to share that accomplishment with. To celebrate with, to love, to share.
And why shouldn't it be him? Why shouldn't our love last and last and last? Why is it just in the movies, in the fairy tales, in my head? Why? Why? Why?
I love him.
So there.