finally relaxed..

Jul 18, 2004 17:14

camp is over, which is really sad, but i get to sleep late again so yay:) the c.i.t. show on thursday went over surprisingly well. the counselors thought we were funny and the kids loved it so that was good. then thursday i went to the movies and saw anchorman. it was a funny movie it was just wicked random. ya.. and friday was the run through for festival, so it was craziness all day long and i was mad stressed by the time it was over. oh and i had no voice by the end of the day, which was wonderful lemme tell ya. friday night diana and megs made me see a cinderella story. it was cute.. and i only say that bc chad micheal murray was in it;)
and saturday was festival. the day went AWESOME and im really gonna miss everyone.. including derek who thinks were dating. ya this 10 year old boy liked almost every female in the camp and he decided to follow me all last week and yesterday he said to me.. and i quote "hey ma when are we gonna go out" i was like oh huni youre 10 and walked away bc ya thats creepy. but he followed me anyway. hes cute lol. but ya i was really proud of how the show came out and i lvoe everyonee and ill miss you!
last night i went to carolyns with sean megs and diana.. it was a nice relaxing night with some of my favorite people which was nice.
this morning i sang in church with lauries dad which was fun lol we actually did really well and i was proud:)but ya.. thats about it. lata.xO
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