May 29, 2004 12:33
hello friends and non friends (which for some reason i have many of now)
I haven't updated this in a very long time. Nothing has really changed though. God i'm so bored! Yesterday was great. I didn't get to school until about 10:30 which was ok with me since i'm not that fond of P.E. I had fun taking the social studies final and the geometry rediness test that nobody told me about! It was rather boring so after a few questions i stopped and started drawing a picture of our mean substitute. Mr.S is what he called himself. His blush was very poorly applied and i felt sorry for him until he yelled at me for talking. After school Collen and I roamed the wilderness and then we went on a bike ride with andrea. Then we went to camino and saw Troy. It was long and rather sad. Don't watch it! You'll never look at Orlando Bloom the same way again. well until next time. luv yah! bye