(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 21:09


It has definitely been awhile. But things have been so crazy. But let's recap for those you who don't know.
I am now a personal financial representative at Washington Mutual in Aventura. 45-1 hour drive every morning...yea, it sucks. But my bosses are awesome, and I can supposedly make a good amount of money there, so we'll see. Anyone that needs a home equity loan or needs to open accounts, send them to me.
Since I am working in Aventura, it only makes sense to take classes in the Biscayne Bay campus. It's only 5 minutes down the street, and parking isn't half as bad as the South campus. I'm taking 2 classes...Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The closing for the house is getting closer and closer. I can't freakin wait. I can't wait to come home to my own house, to my boyfriend...to the house that we'll be sharing. A house I can decorate and do whatever I want with, with the approval of my boyfriend, of course. The only thing I think about is that this is the right decision...that the petty little arguments over moodiness or anything else that's dumb will diminish, and we truly will be happy living together. I see so much potential for our relationship, but when it's bad, IT'S BAD...and I'm really trying to do away with those moments.
My younger sister and I have seemed to drift apart...I guess it's just hard to relate to her right now. Her priorities are in different places...and i've never been the type of person that can "act" like I'm into what you're saying. And I don't agree with a lot of the decisions she makes, and I'm getting tired of the way she tries to take advantage of me and doesn't really respect my feelings/belongings. I love her to death....it's just that I'm losing patience.

Well, I need to shower and do something with my hair. I'm getting tired of it being short. I hope it grows fast!!!

Night all!
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