Mar 15, 2005 11:17
What do you do when you feel so let down?
When everything you thought was so perfect and special, no longer is?
When the one person you trusted with your heart after being so severely hurt, lets you down? When they knew it was so hard for you to love again...and yet, it was also hard for them as well. They knew what your worse fears were, and they made them a reality...?
What do you do when you feel like reaching out, but yet, you hold yourself from doing it, because you ask yourself "WHY? For what? To get hurt and let down once more...?"
Do you give up, and say, "to hell with them...I don't need this crap...and I don't need them"...?
Or do you remember all the beautiful things and good times that shaped you relationship and give them another chance?
But then, what if they let you down again? What then? Are you the fool that let them stay? Did you deserve it for not being more cautious?
Or maybe everything will be perfect now, because everything is out in the open and there are no longer any secrets to "surprise" you with...?
What do you do?