Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle: i dont think i have
Toilet Paper someone's house: no
Played Poker with money: yes, and i won!
gone swimming in a white T-shirt: no
laughed so hard you couldn't talk? yes, its the best feeling ever
like someone but haven’t told them: yes
went camping: YES!
had a crush on your brother's friend: nah
Walk in the rain without an umbrella: all the time
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: oh yea
been in a talent show: nope, i have no talents
started laughing at someone's bedtime: umm, no.. i like going to bed early
Worn something your mom didn't approve of: i dont think so
Been to a nude beach: yea, on a cruise
Drank jack Daniels: yea
cursed in a church: by accident
been called a slut for kissing someone: not that i'm aware of
Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straighter: no, i rarely use them
Wanted to be a police officer: one day i woke up and randomly decided that, it only lasted for that day though
dumped someone: yea, he deserved it
been hit on by someone too old: yea, gross
wanted to be a model: not so much
bought lottery tickets: no, and probably never will, i have no luck
made out in a car: hah yes
cried during a movie: yea, not that often, but always during the little princess and lion king
wanted something you couldn't have: oh yea
had sex on the beach: nah
seen someone shoplift: yes
hung up on someone: yea, if im mad
yelled at your pet: aw yes
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: yea
tried to strip when drunk: during strip pool?
gotten seasick: nope
had a stalker: dont think so
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: no
been embarassed by one of your family members: my mom, but i'm used to it now, haha
felt bad about eating meat: not at all
protested: no
been to an island: yes, i want to live on one
open your eyes underwater: yea, but with contacts its kinda hard
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: yea, i figure i'll worry later on
ice skate: occasionally
sing in front of a crowd: oh no, but i do like to sing
whistle: for my dog
be a bitch at times: i try not to be. well or i'm just not good at it
do thirty pull ups: hah, i wish
walk in in really high heals: no, im too tall
eat super spicy foods: yes, i like spicy but not super spicy
skateboard: on my butt?
sleep with the lights on: i cant go to sleep if i do
mulititask: oh no, thats impossible
touch your nose with your tounge:noo, and i dont want to be able to do that
fall asleep easily in the car: oh yea
do the cotton eye joe: haha yea, i love that song
play ddr and not fall: oh yea! ddr is my fav!
surf: no, but i'd like to
fit in your locker: no
do a split: hah, hell no
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: oh yea, coke is better