[fanmix] all for believing, a rachel dare ep

Nov 30, 2010 17:38

Behold, my first offering to the PJO fandom: a Rachel Dare fanmix plus a bonus (!) Annabeth/Rachel ficlet that decided it wanted to be attached to track 2.

Tracks available separately on Mediafire, .zip file hosted on Megaupload, under the cut.

Manhatten from the Sky - Kate Voegele

Percy Jackson. The Battle of the Labrynth.

You are my Manhatten from the sky
You look so neat and tidy when I’m way up high
But I know your streets are lined with a fine mess inside
I wanna come down and walk around your mind

I know you want me to see
Don’t lie to me
So why you gotta go be so shy to me?
What is it gonna take to get you there?
If fear was money you’d be a millionaire
Or all alone in a leather swivel chair counting stacks of gold

All for Believing - Missy Higgins

Annabeth Chase. The Battle of the Labrynth.

I see you’ve painted your soul
Into your guard
I’m all for believing

I need to know just how you feel, to comfort you
I need to find the key to let me in, into your heart, to find your soul

Pull back the shield between us, and I’ll kiss you
Drop your defences and come, into my arms
I’m all for believing, I’m all for believing


Annabeth Chase can cry. Rachel didn’t see that coming. In the darkness, Annabeth cries like she is coming to pieces.

Percy is desperate, looking for defences to crash through like the hero he is, but Rachel sees that the walls around Annabeth’s heart are already crumbled at her feet. She is too tired to hold her shield aloft, but Percy is too busy looking for a gap in her non-existent armour to step over the debris and into her open arms.

For approximately three seconds, Rachel debates explaining this to Percy, but no, that would bring Percy and Annabeth together, wholly, irrevocably, and isn’t this blonde-haired, blue-eyed distance between them Rachel’s sole advantage?

She has a dream tonight which wakes her with a rush of pleasure and heat, and she is surprised to realise that she withholds her observations from Percy not to keep him from Annabeth but to keep alive that small, tentative attachment to the girl with the golden curls, that bond that is hers alone.

Rachel Dare dreams of kissing away the unknown, unfathomable pain of Annabeth Chase.

She didn’t see that coming.


Superman - Taylor Swift

Percy Jackson. (Still.) The Last Olympian.

I always forget to tell you I love you
I love you, forever

I watch Superman fly away
You’ve got a busy day today
Go save the world
I’ll be around
I watch Superman fly away
Come back, I’ll be with you someday
I’ll be right here on the ground
When you come back down

The Light - Sara Barielles

Apollo. Post - The Last Olympian.

Nothing better than this
Knowing that the storm can come
You feel just like the sun
Just like the sun

And you say it’ll be alright
I’m gonna trust you, babe
Gonna look in your eyes
And you say it’ll be alright
I’ll follow you into the light

Soulmate - Natasha Bedingfield

Post - The Last Olympian.

Who doesn’t long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told?
Somebody tell me why I’m on my own
If there’s a soul mate for everyone

Look at Those Eyes - Alexz Johnson

Nico d’Angelo. Post-series.

Oh my, look at those eyes
Look at the trouble that they hide inside
I see the flicker of the pain on the rise
'Maybe they're like mine
Things I wish I did not see
Push away all the dirt and debris
But what'll be left of me?

Download .zip here.

percy jackson (is a bamf), ! fanmix, ! fic, dancing through life, i need an imaginative mythology tag

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