ever get that feeling that good things are on their way?

Oct 11, 2004 11:07

can i boast? for just a second?

things have been so amazing lately.
everything has just fallen into place.

what a change.

this entire weekend is just what i needed.
everytihng about it.
thursday, soccer game, culvers with friends, hanging with the lor.
friday, senior pics, lots of chilling and napping, artitorium, and then movie night with my family.
saturday, senior pics outdoors....on one of those most beautiful mornings in a long time, hanging with the fam day....i loved it honestly.we went to edwards apple orchard and got some apple cider donuts. and just the smell of that place is so entirely inviting. oohooh!! we went on a ride through the apple orchard on a trailor and picked apples. mhmm. sarah i still have to give you the massive bruised one!!!! after that we went home, then went to pick up matt..went to walmart, to the artitorium, to andy golz's, and then got some grub with matt and went for a much needed and very nice (may i add) talk with him on the bench out front of my house.
sunday,slept in. much needed.cleaned the room, how exciting, and then talked to alyssa and adam and we all decided to head to chicago for the murder by death show. ahhh.
yesterday was just the kicker for the weekend. drove up to rockford with the sun shining in and the windows down. beautiful music was playing and it was one of those moments that sort of froze. i cant describe it really.
then i stopped at barnes and nobles where imet up with matthew and eddie. they were definitely very cool guys to hang with. adam eventually came, and we headed on our way to huntly to get alyssa. the ride to chicago rocked..just chatting and listening to some good tunes.
we made really good time into chicago. and we parked a ways away from the bottom lounge and walked. we got so turned around...but we found some really neat areas and the feeling of walking downtown with two friends was just so nice.
got to the show.
very very good turnout.
went and got a shirt, and headed up to the stage and talked with everyone.
the snake the cross the crown was first. WOW. i really want to go see them again. they are amazing.
the second band was alright, i think their name was sleep station, but then......murder by death came on.
best performance i have seen of them yet.
thats all i can say.
the ride home was really calm, and it just felt so nice.
i think ive mentioned that already, but i just cant get over it.
i havent felt like that in awhile.
(truely happy)
on the way home i called amy. and we talked.
and i loved it.
and then i called timmy.
and i loved that too.
once i got home, i grabbed my pillow and dog dog, and went to allis house for the varsity choir girls sleepover.
yaaaay for those.
it ruled the world.
and then we fell asleep at 3:30.

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