May 01, 2009 14:19
I feel better today, which is such a relief to me.
I have a painting to finish today, which should be a breeze. I painted about 85% of it last night..I'm fairly sure it will dry by next Saturday, which is when the lady needs it. I guess I should have mixed the medium in the paint to help it dry faster, but I just didn't think about it until after I was over half done. I'm thinking I might start another one tonight, another personal painting. Maybe a self portrait, I really like those. Anyways, I had finished a painting last week that I was working on for Jim..I sent it off Monday. He got it Wednesday and absolutely adored it, which made me so happy. I was like 2 months late for his birthday, but I kept changing my mind about what I wanted to send him. He had a lot of constructive criticism to say about it, as well, which I always enjoy. It helps me more than "oh yeah, I like that".
Going to a housewarming party tomorrow. We were the only ones helping this girl move in, so I wonder where all these people were when she really needed her. Anyways, I like her so it might be halfway enjoyable. I called up Peter and told him I wasn't going to go club tomorrow because of this even though I really could go if I wanted..I guess I've just been studying, and I know I won't be able to make it next Saturday either, and I want to assimilate the information more so I can kick everyone's ass. I'm so conceited, but it's so fun.
I've been learning how to dance, besides just wiggling [hah]. Last Saturday we were looking up dance moves online and practicing in the living room, it's terribly fun.
Oh yeah. My sister's pregnant. Even bigger hah!
I hate seeing old ladies out in public with slightly younger old ladies. It makes me feel so bitter. Why can't I have a mother to grow old with? It's just not fair.