Feb 01, 2005 17:28
My day was fairly boring. Kayla came over and we chilled out and made absolutely disgusting chicken wings and really really runny milkshakes. Got in a fight with him , but everything's okay now. We always seem to get in extremely pointless fights, but thank god we make up. Besides, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Hopefully someday all of our fights will make us the strongest couple in the entire world and we'll never fight again.. *rolls eyes*
Cannot believe we have school tomorrow. I highly doubt that they'll even let me into class because I haven't handed in a single textbook back yet, so good luck to that. My semester seems to be fairly decent though, I'm actually pretty excited. I have:
- Math
-Biology (which im definately dropping because, science is NOT my thing)
I'm definately in love with g unit. I all of the sudden like the sound of their music. Pretty surprising I must say, but their beats are quite illin'. PS// Word on the street is friday is a pd day, im hoping that the rumors are true. But to be honest, what the hell is the point of going back to school anyways If we're only there for 2 days?