Aug 02, 2004 00:01
sOo...what happened this last weekend...
- FridaY - .... I had to babysit my little cousins..til like 12. So, i couldnt do like anything at alL that day [GreAT] NothIn eLse on fRiday...
- saTurday - .. *THE ITALION FEST! its here for like twO days..yay..but it was fUnn this year. they had toNs of good food toO! i had fried dough for aNd there was this bouncy thingy there..ya i Might sound [{KorNy}] but it wasn*t! u can doO like all these flips n junk. Ya and wheN it ended...Me, nina n My sis came home ..PISSED chELsey Or [ a.K.a cHel*c as she likes to calL herself ] Heh...we asked out kyle farrel for her..WHo woulda knoWn she woUlda bLOwn up like sHE did? But it was fUnNy! But we watched GHost ship [sCAry mOVie!] and then went ta bed. so we could wake up early..b/c adam <-- [guy at the bouncy thingy] said if we came early we could go on fer free!
- sUndaY - tHe iTalian fesT agaIN!...But instead of stayin there the whole day..we did*nt. But we went there in the morning...for our free rides!..and we got was mad fun. and TeHn it got boring. so we went to the adelphia dome [ It was Like a sKate parK tho ] iT was fUnnN!!....there were soO many cute skaters there! i toOk soMe pictures of em with ninas phone....aHHH they were cute! [lol] I huNg out with lots of diifferent Ppls there. Ugh KRis melson was there..He OKAy..
bUt ya...Heh I was like invited to soMe "PArtaY" by some dude at the holiday iNn...[ Like It wAs real.. ] He was ugly anyways. Thenn afTer we came back from the dome we went back to the italian was pretty fun. ALot more ppl there today then yesterday. heh wehn we went back we went on the bouncy thingy like 3 times more for free...MUaH But the pEople workin it er w/e were coOl...aMber..adAm, aNd jP <-- [ The HoTt one ] Lol! There was GunNa be a fiGHt too, But they broke it up..ehh oh well. But Now iMm alL sore n crap from that bouncy thingy b/c if the pads move, then it hurts!..and when i bend over i like wanna die! iTs painfUl! But tomOrrOw i Got to go volunteer til 3. 9 - 3 suCks..6 Hours of just bringing stuff round a hospital. aTleast on wed. when im in the daycare i can play with the little kids...Lol. BUt w/e iM tired anYWays
cOuld sOme*oNe shOw me
The kInd Of [ aFfecTion ]
ThaT u Only sEe in thE moVIes,
you KnOw whaT i Mean?
x3 sInGle