Jul 21, 2004 12:52
Long Randomness
Wear eye shadow? Yupp
Have a goldfish? Their prettier than goldfish
Use Chapstick? yea
Give high fives? shure....
Remember where you were when OJ Simpson was let free? nope
Remember where you were when you found out Princess Di had died? nope
Eat with your mouth open? eww no
Take walks in the rain? Yes,I loove the rain,everythang bout it!
Have You Ever...
Had sex: nope
Gotten drunk: nope
Been in love: no
Stayed home on Saturday night: YEP
Done anything funny while you were drunk or high:.....
Gotten in a car accident: nope
Thought you were going to die: no
Wanted to Run away: ya when i was really little...i dont remember why though
Shop-lifted: nah
Ran from the cops: no
Lied to the cops: no
Cursed in front of your parent(s): Yea but they pretend like they dont hear it or w.e
Cursed in front of your teacher(s): Yeah,my teachers curse in front of us!
Flunked a grade: no
Skipped a grade: no
Murdered someone: no
Been convicted of Committing a crime: no
Been skinny-dipping: nope
Hiked a mountain: yes
Ridden through Death Vally on horse back: that would be fun...
Been attacked by a big dog: nope
Been to the Eiffel Tower: no, i wish
Eaten kajmak: First of all..i dont even kno what that is soo nope never
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: almost
Made homemade fudge? no
Been on stage: yes
In the last 24 hours have you...
Cried? nope
Eaten pizza? nope
Helped someone? yes
Bought something? no
Not known the answer in class? its summer!
Worn a skirt? nope...im not a skirt kinda person
Been sarcastic? yup
Gone for a run? no
Gone for a walk? yup
Gone to the movies? nope
Felt stupid? Always n forever
Kissed someone? sadly no!
Moved on? no
Talk to an ex? no
Missed an ex? no
Watched your favorite movie? no
Talked to your crush? ofcourse!
Given someone a present? Nope
Had a serious talk? no
Missed someone? yes
Hugged someone? nope
Had a nightmare? nope
Fought with your parent? yup
Fought with a friend? no
Last Things You Did...
Last book you read: some physic book
Last book you read by choice: ^ that one
Last movie you saw: white chicks...FunnIest moVie eveR!
Last movie you saw on the big screen: ^ that one
Last phone number you called: My aunts house..i had Ta babY sit
Last show you watched on TV: i dont remember
Last song you heard: idk
Last thing you had to drink: ice tea
Last time you showered: yesterday
Last time you slept: last night
Last words you said: shutup
Last thing you ate: a bagel
Future daughter names: I have no clue
Future son names: ^ look above
Any annoying habits? nail biting, havin my own opinion to much...idk etc.
Any good habits? im shure i do...just cant think of them
Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yea!
Best Advice: -Walt Disney on Cinderella: She believed in dreams, all right. But she also believed in doing something about them. When Prince Charming didnt come along, she went over to the place and got him. -----> I guess it can relate to that
Best feeling in the world: knowing someone truly loves you
Can you do any thing out of the ordinary in your dreams? no
Color socks you're wearing: none
How many shoes you own: i dunno
Least favorite subject: social
Least Favorite Food: oh gosh... i have a lot of least favorite foods
One thing you hope you do before you die: Bungee Jump
One thing you wish you could tell the whole world: Learn to freakin Drive!