Outsider Chapter 3

Nov 25, 2010 22:29

Outsider chapter 3
Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae
Length: (2/?) Chaptered
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Summary: Is being in love a good idea in a government-operated Spy school?... For men?.... Jaejoong just couldn't take it anymore. He closed himself off and away from the world. But Yunho was determined to find more about him. Will this druve them closer together? or will this only end up hurting them both?

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

By the way, this **blah blah blah** means they're thinking it. Okay?

A/N: Yo yo yo people! What's up?? I'm in a very good mood, so either this will end up a VERY happy chapter, or it will make you wanna go emo :D but, I have big plans for this chappie, and I may reveal stuff... IMPORTANT stuff XD anyways, I hope you all enjoy this (and please, a round of applause for my attempts to make my chapters longer XD )


Yunho was breathing hard as he stopped in front of a tree outside, on the school grounds. Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin were searching other parts of the school for Jaejoong. He was tired of running around like a creeper.

He sank to his knees, taking a well deserved rest. Everyone had moved on to their next lesson, so his surroundings were quiet and serene. Suddenly, he sat up in alarm. Yunho heard a muffled sobbing sound behind the largest tree in the courtyard.

It was called the wishing tree because of the many strings attached to each branch. Each string held a promise, a promise of something better. The secrets of every student was sitting plainly on the branches of their wishing tree. Yunho approached the noise, carful not to be heard by the person.

His eyes widened in surprise.

When he gaze rested on the person, he realized...
It was Jaejoong.

His knees were brought up to his chest, his arms around his legs; protecting his frail body. Sobbing uncontrollably, Jaejoong looked up to find Yunho staring down at him. Yunho edged closer to the lad, offering comfort to the broken spirit. When Jaejoong didn't move away, he put his arm around his shoulders, tugging him to his chest.

They stayed like that for a while. Neither spoke a word, it wasn't needed. Until...
, what's wrong?" Yunho was truly concerned for the guy. He couldn't really understand why he was so upset about what happened before. Jaejoong looked up, tears rolling down his breathtaking face. His eyes- his eyes held so much sadness and grief, that Yunho felt his heart burning with the desire of taking all of his troubles away.

Yunho tightened his hold on the smaller lad, securing his fragile body in his. Jaejoong rested his head on Yunho's shoulder, taking in the situation.

* * *

** should I tell him? What if- what if he starts hating me', I can't take the hatred anymore**. He didn't want Yunho to find out, because when he held him, Jaejoong felt warmth. No one has ever made him feel this way...

Like he was safe... Protected

Jaejoong shook his head softly, pushing Yunho lightly away.

"No Yunho, you-you should stay away from me- I- I'll only bring you trouble" Jaejoong stared into Yunho's brown eyes, trying to make him understand.


I don't want you to leave me Yunho.

"You should leave"

hold me tight and never let me go

"Please, Y-Yunho ah, please"

stay with me

"you don't need to stay"

"Jae... Wha-what are you talking about?"

Yunho-ah, I can't be alone, it's too painful

"I need some time alone Yunho"

My heart is hurting, so please make it stop

"I'll be fine on my own, I'm ok"



* * *


My eyes searched the room. *sigh* Another empty room. I was disheartened when I saw the tidy place. It was like, what? The fifteenth room I've searched. I quietly close the door, and slump down to the ground. I used the wall for support, leaning against it, I watched as Yoochun approached me, and Changmin slam a door open and run towards us.

"Hyung, have you found bin yet?" Changmin cocked his he'd to the side, a pout forming on his face.

"Yes Changmin, we found Jae, and now we're sitting around wondering where he is..." Yoochun answered sarcastically, shaking his head as a show of disapproval. Honostly, our dongsaeng can be quite ignorant at times.

"Chun, Min, I'm really worried about Jae hyung. What if-what if..." I didn't need to continue anymore. My eyes started to sting as Yoochun and Changmin each rested a hand on my lap. I am so worried. I just can't keep my previous encounters away from my mind.


I stood by the Academy's gates, waiting for Jae hyung to arrive. I've known him for about a year, and he is nothing but nice. He is kind of mysterious however, but... I quickly disregarded my suspicion. I tapped my foot on the floor, slowly growing inpatient. What's going on? Hyung is always on time.

I was beginning to wonder where he could be, when I saw four shadowy figures run across the campus. Three of them seemed stronger, and were carrying themselves in an urgent manner, the fourth one looked inferior to the others, and looked... Almost scared. I narrowed my eyes, focusing on the smallest person. My eyes went wide in shock. It was Jaejoong.

I quietly followed them, curious to see what the hell was going on, while being mindful of my steps. I skidded to a halt when I saw what came next. The superior trio opened a classroom door in the building and dragged Jaejoong inside with them.

They closed the door shut tightly behind them, leaving me stumped. After I made sure that they weren't going to come back out soon, I slowly approached the door, listening to what was going on inside...


* * *


(A/N: Heechul makes his entrance here! it's time to introduce new characters, no? By the was it was my first semi smut scene so go easy on me okay?)

A loud thump was heard when two bodies collided with each other, locked in hungry kisses. Siwon circled his arms around Heechul's waist, bringing him closer to his body, while biting on the smaller man's lower lip. He sucked on his lover's lips, letting his tongue explore Heechul's willing mouth.

His hands wandered under Heechul's shirt, rubbing his smooth skin, and all this while their mouths never lost contact. Heechul moaned at Siwon's touch, grinding his hips against his, he started to throw off his cloths, scattering them around the room. Siwon impatiently pulled his own pants off, his shirt long forgotten on the messy floor.

Siwon slammed Heechul into the wall behind him, while staring at Heechul in a hungry fashion. Planting sloppy kisses down his neck, Siwon grabbed his butt, and Heechul wrapped his legs around Siwon's waist.

Heechul threw his head back in pleasure, gasps escaping his throat. His hands trailed down Siwon's perfect abs, rows of delicious hard muscles. He softly ran his fingers down to Siwon's throbbing manhood, teasing him with his actions.

"Fuck Heechul... Ughhh..." Siwon felt himself getting harder with the smaller male's actions. He quickly stripped Heechul of his underwear. He felt himself loose his patience when his lover moaned one more time, his breath hot against his neck.

"UGH... I need you now Chullie..." Siwon blindly reached for something to use as a lube substitute. When his hand touched something, he brought it close and started opening the cap. Soap... Close enough!!! Siwon rubbed his dick, tossing the bottle aside carelessly. Then, Heechul felt him entering him, at first slowly, and then picking up the pace. Siwon slammed into Heechul, who was begging at this point.

"ahhhh... Uhhhhh... Fa-faster wonnie... Ughhhh..." Siwon sped up, finding Heechul's spot.

"I'm coming!" a slower more rhythmic round took over as the layer on eachother. Heechul could feel himself reaching climax. He grasped Siwon's sides tight, fingernails digging in his smooth skin. He cumed with the other still inside.

They collapsed, breathing hard and tired from their "quickie". Siwon held Heechul in his arms for a few seconds, the he helped the man stand up, and gather their scattered clothes.
Heechul rose on his tip toes and pecked his boyfriend's lips lovingly. He snaked his arms around Siwon's neck, bringing his lips close to his ears. Then he whispered:

"I love our little quickies" The taller male smiled, when he replied "me too".

They stepped out of the Janitor's closet, and smiled while clasping their hands together.


A/N: hey guys, i just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who first writes smut . Its really new to me, and i really didnt know the pressure of making something ive never done before! so i really hope that you guys like this chapter and appreciate our awesome writers :)

genre: romance, fic: outsider, genre: smut, genre: drama, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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