Hey everyone

Jun 03, 2012 00:25

For anyone who cares ;')   :

I'm sorry for disappearing again!!! I had AP exams and final exams to study for pretty much after the end of April up until last week when my school ended!!!
Now, I am done with school except the one summer class i am taking.. +_+
Economics is boring as hell and it takes me so long to read to do well on my tests (and i have a test everyother class period...)

But i will get moving on my fics once again, hopefully get some stuff done before I head for Japan and disappear again for 2 and 1/2 weeks. but unfortunately, looking back at some of my fics, a couple of them seem immature to me now, and I'm probably going to discontinue them.

I'm going to try super hard to finish The Warrior Elite, because I'm so damn far into it!!
Please dont give up on me >.

#notice, ## rambles

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