[FANFIC] Sakura-sake Chapter- 3

Mar 23, 2012 23:44

Title: Sakura-sake
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae, (and maybe others)
Length: Chaptered (3/?)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Action
Rating: PG-13

Warning: Maybe a little violence for this chapter.


Project Sakura was initiated to save the human race. Jung Yunho, was the project manager, resposible for the hybrid humans created known as Experiments. What will happen when he get's caught up in something bigger than he can handle? What will happen to Jaejoong?

Previously: ( 1 )( 2 )

Sakura Sake 3

Yunho sat on his comfort chair, snuggled up with a cup of coffee and his warmest blanket. Although he had the highest model iSit (AN: LMAO with apple’s iPhone, and iPod, and everything else, who knows what they’ll come up with next xD ) sometimes Yunho wanted to go back to the good ol’ days. He sipped his coffee, attempting to relax. Yunho was strong, but he was tired of dealing with his case, and now he wanted nothing more than unwinding and enjoying himself. Yunho was on the verge of burning down the facility when the calls wouldn’t end. He supposed it WAS his fault for buying an apartment so near the lab. Years ago, he hadn’t realized what he had signed up for. He had just started to lull himself to sleep when a loud voice roughly pushed him out.

"HYUNG!” His hand jerked, knocking his mug to the floor.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUNSU! Don’t just BARGE IN you idiot!”

“HYUNG WE NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW! THE REBELS ARE TAKING OVER THE FACILITY!” His heart stopped for a moment, his eyes widening as he jumped off of the couch. Two years ago, he had gotten a gun license, and he full well planned on using his deadly device. Yunho strapped it on, making sure to bring on extra bullets. He grabbed his identification card, a flash drive in his hand as he ran outside.

“What are you doing?! AWAY, not TOWARDS!” Junsu’s voice was becoming a distant whisper as he yelled back a rushed response.

“I CAN’T LET MY LIFE EFFORT GO TO WASTE!” Yunho came to an abrupt stop, before he turned around desperately. “Junsu, help me save my research.”

“Say no more. Now move, before we get stuck in this mess.” Junsu muttered, running past Yunho as they sprinted away.


The central power had been cut off in most of the building, and it stood in almost complete darkness. The only are in the central lab was up on the top, where Yunho’s research had been taking place for the last couple of years. Their shoes thudded against the hallway floor, using the faint light of their phones to navigate through the tunnels. The soft pitter patter began to scare them as they heard the first floor windows break. The violent crashes were complemented by the sounds of angry protesters screaming.

I can’t let them take my hard work away. All those hours of staying up and all the efforts of many researchers cannot be for nothing. And the Experiments… He would not allow them to be killed or captured. The elevators were not working, forcing the two brothers to use the emergency fire stairs. The west side of the building was quite old, aging back to the 2000’s. The architects had rescued the historic sight, renovating only the east wing.

Sweat dripped down his tan face, his breathing ragged. His hand clutched the railing as he pushed himself to move, and not stop. Yunho didn’t know when he started crying but somewhere along the way, hot tears were streaming down, a soft sob breaking through his chest. The whole process was scary, and he didn’t wasn’t sure where and when he got the balls to run towards the danger instead of escaping. Maybe it was because of the danger he was in, maybe it was because of the pressure, or maybe because he and his brother could easily be eliminated in this take over.

There was a slight breeze as they went higher up, but the worldly gift was lost to them. Both were tired and out of breath, but they were scared as well. The fear of the unknown was what kept them up and running. They stopped as they reached the top, absolutely exhausted.

“Hyung, I’ll go save up the data,” Yunho quickly placed the flash drive in Junsu’s expecting hand, giving his brother a small squeeze, “You go get Hyesung and Jaejoong. I’ll see right here by the fire escape, just hurry.”

His heart was beating fast, making him feel nauseous. His nerves were off the roof, and his hand shook as he tried to open the door to where the Experiments rested. The place where he felt most at home, was now a ticking time bomb, threatening to take what is most important to him. Why won’t it work! He His hand jerked in front of the scanner, cursing under his breath. The floor was running on emergency power line, but the door was not working.

Crap, crap crap! Yunho was frantic as he searched the deserted hallway for some sort of a clue or help. He slammed his hand on the metal door standing between him and the two most perfect creations. Yunho tried to catch a peak of the inside, his face practically sticking to the glass part of the door. He could see the two sitting side by side, somewhat alarmed of the untimely alarm that had went off seconds before.

Damn it, I have no time. I’m just going to have to shoot down the lock. The tall male stood back, raising his arm, the muzzle pointing straight at the corner where the small digital device was installed.


It shattered as the deadly bullet pierced it right in middle. Yunho pushed the door to the right as it started to slide open, putting in all of his power and energy.


He stared out into the darkness of the city, wondering what was going on. Night after night with his palm placed on the shiny glass of the window, he observed the outside world. In other words, he was used to the random noises he heard but tonight was different. It was making him shiver. The violent screams and the sounds of things breaking was giving him Goosebumps. The pale skinned hybrid squealed when the lights suddenly turned off, and then on. He squealed, jumping up from the flat white bed, falling on the cold sterilized marble tiles.

“H-Hyesung!” Jaejoong was panicking, reaching out for the other’s hand.

The two sat huddled, their fingers laced together, providing comfort to one-another. Jaejoong thought hard, trying to make his tongue and brain work in sync. He wanted to ask his friend if they were going to die. But after years of isolation and lack of communication, he couldn’t quite string a sentence together. Simple words often came out in a clumsy mess, as he tried (and failed) to convey his thoughts.

“Di-dine…us-” He paused, unsure of what word he just used. Forcing himself to breathe calmly, Jaejoong started once more:

“D-Dine- di-dim? DIE!” He finally put in.

Hyesung nodded hesitantly. He didn’t know what to say, though admittedly, Jaejoong was aware that he was more social than he was. Because of Hyesung’s enthusiasm about well, talking, each time he was visited by Junsu, he learnt as much vocabulary words as he could take in, and even more about making sentences. Jaejoong cringed at the cold truth, unsure of how to feel about dying. He’s only ever seen the sappy movie deaths of romantic films, but never in real life.

And they say you are most afraid of what you least know about.

It was at that moment where they heard a loud bang. The two were frantic. Jaejoong yelped, scooting back as he nearly crushed Hyesung’s hand in his. The watched in horror as the door was forcibly slid open.


Yunho stood in the doorframe, breathing hard and sweating bullets. He looked up to see the two Experiments sprawled on the floor, looking absolutely terrified. Before he could move any further, a heavy force pushed him down to the ground. Yunho’s hand crept for the strapped gun, but stopped when he realized it was his brother laying awkwardly on him.

“Hyung I heard a gun shot and I almost died! I was on my way out of your office, but I was scared shitless! I thought something awful happened to you or Jaejoong and Hyesung!” Junsu paused to look at the two on the ground, “And look what you’ve done! They’re scared! Couldn’t you have used your card to open the damn door?”

“Well my card DIDN’T work! Now hurry up and help me get them up and moving away from here before we all get shot to death…” Yunho added grudgingly.

He reached for Jaejoong’s wrist, hauling him up on his shaky legs. The hybrid’s already large eyes were even wider, staring at the project manager in fear. Oh right. I guess it still hasn’t forgotten about the whole ‘food’ ordeal… The smaller male was about fall over when his arms wrapped involuntarily around Yunho’s neck, pulling himself up and safely close to the researcher’s chest. Yunho froze at the sudden contact, waiting a couple short moments before he pushed him off, yanking him towards the exit. He ushered out Junsu and Hyesung before he urged Jaejoong to follow along. He could almost feel his facial muscles pulling up to form into a smile when it all stopped.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” He turned around, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

There were two men standing several feet away from him. He stood with Junsu and Hyesung behind him, but Jaejoong was disturbingly close to the rebels. Yunho could tell that the two men were the only rebels currently on the floor, but others would soon join them if they didn’t leave. Jaejoong shuffled back nervously, trying to get closer to him, but the men would have none of that.

“STOP!” The man holding the gun turned the device towards Jaejoong.

Before he could say anything else, Yunho yelled at Junsu who was inches away from the fire exit to leave with Hyesung. The rebels had not time to react, and they couldn’t leave him and Jaejoong to chase Junsu and Hyesung. The man shot at the now empty doorway, but it was too late. Jaejoong yelped, this time scrambling back.

“IF YOU DON’T STOP I’LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!” Yunho saw it coming. The rebel was about to shoot but Jaejoong just froze. He stared at the muzzle as if in a trance.



Changmin stared up at his mother blankly. Her words made no sense to his nine year old mind, but he tried to make sense of each and every one. The last thing he remembered was a hushed whisper of ‘please be quite Minnie’ and a soft ‘I love you’. He smiled genuinely, wrapping his arms around his mother’s torso. She bent down, her pretty brown eyes shimmering in what little Changmin would later find out was tears. He remembered her soft long hair lingering on his shoulders as she held him in a tight embrace.

The moment was however, cut short as a heavy banging filled the small room. She shushed him, pushing him under the bed as she made him promise to stay quiet, and come out when she told him to. He nodded vigorously, not quite sure yet of what was to become an important moment in his life. The loud banging soon stopped, before a violent sound nearly tore his ear drums.

His eyes stayed glued to the small amount of light let in from under the sheets covering the gap between his parent’s master bed and the marble floor. His small body was shaking but he forced himself to be quiet. Soon, Changmin promised himself, mommy will come back to get me.

He heard footsteps coming his way, and immediately perked up. His innocent excitement died when the clear sound of a gunshot rang through the house. And then another one. Then another. His eyes closed before small arms gave out from under him as he fell to the floor, lying flat on the cold surface. Changmin’s heart beat rapidly as his eyes opened. A few moments passed when something wet and sticky surrounded his hands. Fearfully, he looked down. Blood

He started shivering, unstoppable tears flowing down his soft face. Quiet sobs started choking him. Then, Changmin peaked out from under the bed. His gaze was met with his mother’s cloudy eyes.



so some crazy things went down in my family last weekend. so the update was postponed a whole week.

anyways, im NOT gonna lie, i love this fic LOL XD even if not alot of people like reading stuff like this, I really enjoy writing it :D its like the only fic i've actually planned out.

so CHANGMIN IS IN DAH HOUSE!! I love him!!! lol
I'm kinda evil for leaving this chapter like this >:P


genre: romance, fic: sakura-sake, genre: drama, genre: action, pairing: yunjae

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