[FANFIC] Sakura-sake Chapter- 2

Mar 02, 2012 22:11

Title: Sakura-sake
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae, (and maybe others)
Length: Chaptered (2/?)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Action
Rating: PG-13

Warning: None for this chapter


Project Sakura was initiated to save the human race. Jung Yunho, was the project manager, resposible for the hybrid humans created known as Experiments. What will happen when he get's caught up in something bigger than he can handle? What will happen to Jaejoong?

Previously: ( 1 )

Sakura Sake 2

Jaejoong stared down at the city through the glass window. The Behavioral Lab, as the room was called, was his favorite place in the whole facility because of the large window which covered the entire back wall. It allowed him to witness the busy life of the city like no one else. At night, the lights of the tall skyscrapers twinkled, prancing around the dark blanket of the metropolis.

If only for a while, Jaejoong could connect the beautiful sceneries of the old movies researchers sometimes showed him for stimulation, to the present time; like pretending that below his feet, were happy couples walking around hand in hand, instead of the usual sight of people yelling at the guards for reasons still unknown to him.

However, he didn’t like the view in the mornings. As the brilliant rays of sun swept across the concrete streets, he could only see the ugliness of the outside world. In other words, the ugliness of humanity. But he would always backtrack. Jaejoong would think about Junsu’s kindness and convince himself that there are beautiful people. They do exist.

His thoughts however were interrupted as Hyesung was walked inside the Behavioral Lab.


Yunho ruffled his hair, slamming his fist hard on the table surface.

“God DAMN this! How much more stress can I take?!”

An important researcher and doctor working on Project Sakura had betrayed them, and almost succeeded in transferring and selling all of his precious data to the rebels. I can’t ever allow that… Yunho’s eyes hardened. He couldn’t handle the pressures, but had no choice but to drag himself through it. It was already the third attempt from one of his researchers to sell him out. And now, Yunho was not so sure he could allow anyone access to the Experiments, or their files.

He shut his computer, exiting his cold office. The dull room was starting to drive him mad. His footsteps were with purpose, as the thudded against the hallway floor. He reached the Psych. Observation room,  nearly running into another person. He stepped back, glaring at all of the curious eyes looking back at him. I wonder which one is going to betray me next… Unless I kick them out.

“Listen up everybody! I want your tags, right now. No questions, just do it” He quickly added when some started their protests. As each of the cards were placed on his outstretched palm, he counted to make he has all 19.

“Now will you tell us what the hell this is about, Dr.Jung?” His name was spit out scornfully, by one of his oldest co-workers, Leeteuk.

“Yes, Leeteuk. As you have all been  informed, one of our own has once again attempted to release the data we have worked so hard to accumulate. I’d like to announce, that I no longer see it fit, for anyone besides me and perhaps my brother to operate on this project. After numerous attempts of theft, I will see to it personally, that the head of the Board of Science and Research will grant me the right to make this a permanent change. I will remind you now, before any protests, that I am the head of this project and therefore, I can choose who my co-workers are, and are not.

“Any questions?”

Yunho took a full breath as he waited for that one person, to ask something annoying.

“Yeah. Like how about, what are we going to be doing now?” A scientists he forgot the name of, asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

“You will all be assigned to a new project, and might even be moved to a different facility. Again, I am sorry for this sudden change but after the third move against us, I can no longer trust anyone.” He really was unhappy to lose such a talented staff, but he found out the hard way that not everyone can be trusted. He was about to draw the meeting to a conclusion when Leeteuk once again questioned him.

“And you’re just kicking us out, just like that?!” Leeteuk was positively outraged, but Yunho also saw a glint of something else in his eyes. Something akin to sorrow, or even pain.

“Leeteu-” Yunho was cut off.

“I gave up the best years of my life, for this project. I dedicated myself to it! I put in, as much as you did into this research. I helped you make this vision come to life! I care about this as much as you do, and what do I get in return? A kick in the ass, and then I get thrown away?” His hands curled to a fist, Leeteuk was on the verge of punching Yunho, and he saw that.

“I-I know, and I’m sorry. I never wanted you to feel like this, and I certainly didn’t want to lose any of you. But we can’t afford to have this project ruined. Please, understand. Now, I need you guys to go to the east wing, and get your new assignments. And I’ll have to de-activate your cards, and revoke your access rights to any lab pertaining to Project Sakura. Again, I’m so very sorry.” With that, the guard he had called in ushered the 19 men and women out of the Psych lab.

He glanced down from the window, to the space below that was now holding both Experiments. He sighed as he paged Junsu. From now on, it was just going to be them two. And it was going to be hard work.


“Why isn’t it working!” Yunho was frustrated.

“Yunho-hyung, be patient! Maybe we have to wait longer for his immune system to fight it off.” Junsu knew his brother was a rusher. He had been like that ever since they were children. He remembered the days where he helped his grandma when she cooked, alongside his brother. And of course, Yunho was the whiner.

“But Experiment #6 was completely fine in 1 hour. It’s been 3 hours and 16 minutes already!”

“Ok, maybe we did something right when Hyesung” He emphasized, “was still in the Metacapsule while we did something wrong when Jaejoong was in the device. Or maybe it’s just that Jaejoong’s immune system is slower, just like the records show, Yunho-hyung.”

It took them four days to realize, as they were sorting out the records, that the Experiments had yet to be tested with the Influenza virus. The two brothers then wasted no time getting them exposed and under their watchful eyes, observed. Yunho was in the middle of a breakdown over the fact that Jaejoong was still hallucinating, and his immune system was not fighting the viruses as fast as Hyesung had. The later was in the middle of watching an old 2130’s movie, while the brothers were awaiting results from their other test subject.

Jaejoong thrashed around as he pulled on his restraints. Several more movements and it gradually ceased down to zero. As he laid motionless, Yunho checked his vitals, slightly worried. When he saw no signs of danger, he went back up, where Junsu was sitting, recording their observations up above where the Experiments were.

“I think you were right.” He didn’t want to say it, but he had to. Yunho hung his head low like a guilty child as he awaited Junsu to start his preachings. A wide smile spread across the brightened face as he heard his stubborn hyung admit to being wrong.

“Oh hyung, of course I’m right! I’m alwa-” Junsu was cut short as Yunho wacked his behind his head.

“You arrogant dongsaeng. Shut up before I force you.” Yunho teased playfully, smirking as Junsu started to pout.

“Talk is cheap my lovely brother, talk is indeeeeed cheap. I have to watch you in action to believe you have any force at all.” It was fun to make fun of Yunho, Junsu decided as he smiled, looking down at Jaejoong’s quickly changing chart.

“Yah! You wanna take me? Let’s go to th-”

“Hold that thought hyung, look!” Junsu pointed his finger down at the digital numbers, signaling that Jaejoong’s fever had gone down tremendously, and he was no longer thrashing, sweating buckets, or beet red.

“He’s getting better!” Yunho exclaimed happily. I don’t know why I never noticed, but Yunho is a lot more childish than he lets on. Junsu high fived his brother-turned-research-partner as made the sudden realization.

“I told you so!” Junsu puffed  up his chest proudly, glad that he could gloat about his victory.

“Junsu-ah, this still means that there could have been a major flaw in their developing stages.”

“Well, then I think this means that they’re not ready for the cancer testing, or any other major tests.”

“But he’s fine as of now, and the only way we can compare the two, and find out what’s wrong is to test them.” Yunho looked away defiantly, unwilling to compromise. “That’s that Junsu, I need you to cooperate. Please.” He added, hoping his brother would let the subject drop.

“Hyung,” Junsu started carefully, “If either one of them gets seriously hurt, I will not work with you from there on out.”



His hands shook, as he stared at the numbers on the chart.


The situation was turning from bad, to worse. The Destroyers were doing everything in their power to crack down on the government’s plans. While the cities were being ravaged by the deadly epidemic, the remaining rebels continued to look for clues as to what the government was doing, pertaining to the disease. Several years back, a researcher from the Board of Science and Research had accidentally let it slip that they were in the middle of an important research involving the epidemic, and just recently nights ago, designing a completely new breed of humans insusceptible to any virus, bacteria, or cancerous cells.

The news had been the fuse that eventually lit the bomb, as protestors took to the streets, while others worked beneath the covers. Shim Changmin was a man of his word. After watching his whole family deteriorate due to the deadly disease, he promised himself, that he would work hard to bring down the government, and help save the dying population. As a scientist, he did all in his power to help the rebels. He was part of the movement.

Supplies however, were limited and he could not nearly strive to achieve what the state research center had. Their latest spy had been caught and they were in the end unable to make any advances whatsoever.

Changmin was getting frustrated. Because of their limitations, he would receive supplies every once in a while in an extremely untrustworthy pattern. And when he did get the tools he needs, the virus they had yet to name was mutating extremely fast, and he did not have the means to find a formula to stop it. What aggravated him most however, was how similar it was to the Influenza virus. Almost identical if it wasn’t for the last few parts of its RNA. And it mutated at an ungodly speed, making it impossible for Changmin to isolate it with the situation he was in.

Indeed it was tiring but he couldn’t stop. Changmin stood up, stretching his back.

“DONGHAE!” The tall man yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping that his comrade and best friends had heard him.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU INSUFFERABLE, LONG LEGGED, BASTARD?” Donghae soon walked inside the lab, appearing in all of his 175 cm glory.

“I would threaten to hammer you down, but you’re already short enough.” Changmin knew that Donghae was extremely sensitive about his height, therefore he picked on exactly that.

“Just because you’re the freakishly tall monster doesn’t give you the right to make me feel bad.” Changmin smirked as he sensed the defensive streak plaguing his friend’s words. “Minnie-ah, let’s just drop the subject, okay??”

“Fine, I’ll let it go this one time. Anyways, I called you cause I wanna get out of this place. Let’s hit the clubs or something.” His lips formed into a cute pout, his eyes transitioning to a cute look.

“Minnie! We were just clubbing two nights ago. Aren’t you satisfied? I really think we should focus on this stupid virus.” Changmin did not give up, pushing to see things go his way.

“But aren’t you tired of working?? Don’t you want to see some hot ass? Come on, we work day in and day out, I think we deserve more breaks. Plus, the extra syringes and you know… stuff… won’t be here until tomorrow, or even the day after.” Changmin reasoned, knowing that although Donghae was trying to do the “right thing” , he sensed that his friend’s resolve was quickly wearing off.

“Fine, but I’m not carrying you back if you pass out again…” It served as a warning, but Changmin knew that Donghae would never leave him if he was helpless.

“Alright, alright. Now stop nagging mom.” The taller man hooked his arm with the other, pulling him away from the beakers as he took several steps forward, locking the dark laboratory’s door before, going out to the streets. Down town Seoul, where his lab was currently located near the rebel’s hidden headquarters, was starting to scare Changmin. A place where he used to call home was now housing the desperate criminals and the cries of the dying was no strange sight.

Before the duo could move any further away Siwon came running towards them urgently.

“Changmin, Leeteuk, you guys need to come with me!” He bent down, resting his hands on his knees, breathing hard. Leeteuk looked at him with concern.

“What’s wrong Siwon? What are you talking about?”

“There’s going to be an ambush, as you know our last spy was busted, and apparently everyone working on the project was fired. Now we have no way to carry it out peacefully. As of tonight, the Lord Protector of the Military is going to be televised with the Japanese Prime Minister at the State Meeting Hall. The security will be down at the HQ of the Board of Science and Research.” Siwon pulled them back towards the laboratory entrance, as Changmin unlocked the protected facility.

“B-but why do we need to do this? I mean it can’t be necessary!” Changmin exclaimed, quite upset with the turnout of the night.

“It’s completely necessary. There have been rumors that the officials are going to flee the country once they are immunized. It is not only Korea either. Outside sources tell us that the disease has spread to 6 continents. This new shit about hybrid humans… we just have to find out for ourselves. Some even said that they are going to use them as soldiers. Well, I don’t know but you two need to brace yourselves. We need you to work alongside several other scientists on our side once we breach the HQ tonight.”



A/N: Heeeyyyyyy! OMG! i updated :) I've been so busy! and I'm still failing at math. I hope my story is not TOO depressing :(
AND i've heard that a buch of people are getting misleaded, I hinted that Yunho is NOT happy about having to treat his Experiments like that but he has to for the sake of being able to run all these tests. He's not mean! I swear!!!! TT_TT
I shall update about every 2 weeks :) please look for it!!!


genre: romance, fic: sakura-sake, genre: drama, genre: action, pairing: yunjae

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