Behind Their Dorkness (continuation) Chapter 2a

Aug 28, 2010 18:25

 Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae, YooSu, Changmin/Krystal
Length: 2/?
Rating: PG - nc-17
Genre: School, Drama, Humor, Smut (some chapters)
Summary: A group of friends meet by faith, each weirder than the other. One, is obsessed with his beautiful hair, one is a self-called master of jokes, the other a proud pervert, the fourth one is a full of charisma, the fifth one is a popular guy who is recovering from an incident from the past. As different as they are, they know they have one thing in common... Life is great, and everything is perfect. Or so they THOUGHT. Everything is about to change when a mysterious stranger comes along, threatening to ruin their seemingly perfect lives. Meanwhile, one of them struggles with his secret past... This just shows what is hidden, behind their dorkness...

By the way, this **blah blah blah** means they're thinking it. Okay?

A/N: wassup guys? So I’m planning to spend the next 2 hours of my weekend to write this next chapter :) I promise I'll try my best to make the chapters longer :D thus, I divided the chapter to part ‘a’ and ‘b’ :X happy reading :3

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Yunho couldn't understand why Junsu was being so mean to him. He hasn't done anything bad or wrong. In fact, as far as he could remember, he was always nice to him. He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, completely ignoring his teacher's lecture. He always knew that junsu was Jaejoong's best friend, but he didn’t think that he would be so over protective. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing in frustration.

* * *

Jaejoong quietly slid next to Yunho, taking his hand in his. He had no idea why Junsu was acting this way, and until he found out, he didn't want to doubt Yunho in any way. This relationship was just too precious to him, and Jaejoong was determined to do everything in his power to make it work. To him, Yunho wasn't just a crush. No, he meant more to Jaejoong than anyone else. Before Yunho, Jaejoong had been living in under a rock. His beliefs were shallow, and he had no ambition what-so-ever. He still remembered the day his mom asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up. Being the shallow person he was, Jaejoong said that he wanted to grow up and own a supermarket. How much more stupid could he have been? But looking back now, Jaejoong had no regrets.

He now had Yunho. Because now, Jaejoong could see himself with Yunho for years to come. He could almost see himself kissing Yunho on the day of their graduation, standing in the doorway of their first apartment together. Jaejooong sighed, allowing his head to rest on Yunho's strong chest. He smelled wonderful. He smelled like fresh mint in a morning mist, up in the mountains. Jaejoong just couldn't help but smile. A hand snapped Jaejoong back into reality. He found Yunho's hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Jae, do you know what that was about?" Yunho asked, as he cocked his head to the side. Jaejoong shrugged, turning his attention back to Yunho.

The two happily headed towards the entrance of the school, holding hands. Happiness consumed Jaejoong whole, and he couldn't hold back anymore. He kissed Yunho on the lips. Their tongues swirled around each other passionately, Yunho bit Jaejoong's plump lips; he slid his arms around his slim waist. Gasping, they pulled apart to catch their breaths. They were about to continue kissing when a pair of rough hands pulled Jaejoong away. Startled, Jaejoong yelped.

He struggled to get away. He twisted in the intruders arms and was greeted with Junsu's death-glare. His eyes widened in surprise and confusion, for the second time that day. **why is Junsu acting like this?!** He had always been supporting Jaejoong, regardless of the situation he was in. Junsu had been his only comfort when his dad passed away. Those were dark days for him, and Junsu was the only person who had helped him, even though Jaejoong had been a complete asshole. Now, he felt like his friend was slipping from his grasp. Jaejoong could do nothing but stand there, looking like a complete fool and ignoring his best friend’s feelings.

"J-Junsu..." Jaejoong started, but was cut off when Junsu flinched and took off, leaving Jaejoong standing in the clearing in front of the school yard. Yunho ran towards Jaejoong, embracing him in a tight hug. A tear rolled down Jaejoong's face. **am I losing my best friend?**

* * *

Yoochun jumped up from his seat, startled. Junsu had slammed the door of the shop shut behind him. Junsu had called him earlier, and asked him to come meet him in the Ramen Shop down the street. Yoochun immediately knew something was wrong when he heard the frustration and anger in his boyfriend's voice. Now, Junsu stood in front of him, flames of anger burning in his eyes. He had never seen Junsu so angry in his life. The boy was kind and passive. He hardly held any grudges. Yoochun stood up and took Junsu’s hands with great care, pulling him down to the seat with him.

“What’s wrong Su?” Yoochun was concerned for his lover “Did something happen? You’ve been acting weird lately.” Junsu sighed heavily and covered his face with his hands. How was he supposed to explain this to his Chunnie? It was hard enough, and now he had to tell someone about it. It was something he had never suspected, but then again, everyone had problems.

“Well…” Yoochun listened closely when junsu started to say something. He could tell that whatever the issue was, it was troubling him greatly. The curiosity was killing him, now. He looked at Junsu with great intensity.

“Yoochun, I… I have to tell you something” Junsu mumbled.

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A/N: yay! I’m finally done with part ‘a’ of chapter 2 :D I’m feeling pretty proud of myself actually. It took longer than I thought! And I know this day is slowing the story but I can’t help it X3 there has to be some sort of suspense right? So I decided to split this important chapter in 2. I’ll do my best to post the other part maybe tomorrow night or sometime before the weekend :D

Make sure to COMMENT!!! They are greatly appreciated!

genre: high school, genre: smut, pairing: yoosu, genre: drama, fic: behind their dorkness (continuation, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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