The Warrior Elite- Chapter 11b

Apr 08, 2011 19:59

Title: The Warrior Elite
Pairing: yunjae, yoosu (after chapter 1)
Genre: Angst, Violence, Romance
Length: (11b/?)
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Violence, con-consent., Dark themes, Attmepted Suicide

Summary: Yunho lives in a warrior tribe. Violence is no stranger, and wars are a constant thing in the everyday life. Jung yunho is the son of a powerful leader in the tribe what happens when a captured slave from another tribe is brought in the Yakata tribe?

Dedicated to:  abcdefghiluvyou i love you bb ^^

Previous:  (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)f-locked  (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chaper 5) ( Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10)f-locked (Chapter 11a)

A/N: This chapter has long been anticipated! I hope you’ll like it!

The Warrior Elite
Chapter 11b


A man by the name of Kyuhyun raised his voice to a whisper.

"Remember the plan. Burn the mansion. Make sure he burns with it. We don't have time to allow everyone to evacuate because Park Kangsoo would be able to escape."




The soulless, glazed eyes reflected the flames engulfing the room.



(A/N: this is where the story stopped last half of the chapter)

Hankyung sat still, his muscles aching from crouching all day. He scooted back against the wall, leaning on it as he heaved a sigh. The small slave boy lay in front of him, and had yet to move a limb.

His dark orbs have been closed for 14 hours, and although his fever had gone down, Hankyung was still worried for his well-being. Unconscious, Hankyung winced.

He knew well that the boy would have psychological problems later in his life, yet he couldn't help but hope that Jaejoong would forget about the happenings.

But I know I can't... he replied bitterly to himself as he remembered how he had found Jaejoong.



Hankyung knocked on the door, waiting for some kind of an indexation that someone was inside. As soon as Kangsoo had tortured the boy that night, he ordered him to go and "fix the slave up"...

As he approached the wooden door, he could hear the sound of moans drifting from the small room. He pushed the door to see what was behind it.

He was shocked.

Jaejoong's body was sprawled across the floor, his arms spread apart, lying lifelessly on the ground. He could make out the shadow on Kangsoo, on top of the boy, gripping his waist tightly to keep him from slumping. Hankyung could tell Jaejoong was unconscious, while Kangsoo was having his way with him.

Hankyung held on to his stomach, the disgusting act of the master sickening him. He felt bile rise up his throat when he saw the blood pooling under the boy. He could almost hear the drops of crimson dripping off various wounds on his chest and back. Moans and sounds of pleasure could be heard, making Hankyung even more upset.

Then, it came to a stop. Hankyung peeked inside to catch Kangsoo get off Jaejoong, discarding him like an old used rag doll. The boy's wounded limbs slumped down, falling limp.

Hankyung let a soft gasp escape when Kangsoo delivered a hard kick to Jaejoong's broken body.



Changmin's footsteps were hurried. His heels dug into the ground with each step. His hands were gripping the medicinal material, holding everything together. Changmin's deep determined eyes shined as he saw the mansion getting closer, his mind set on getting Hankyung the material.

I hope he's awake, I'm feeling like shit. If I had a chance I would've stopped that bastard....

The luxurious architecture of the mansion was glorious to the human eyes. Anyone from the outside would say that in it will be like heaven but Changmin knew better. The slaves were constantly used like toys without a care. The servants were expected to do whatever they are asked of.

He jogged down the slope leading down to the large house. He passed the greenery, the smell of fresh flowers pleasing his senses. He was about to approach the pathway when he stumbled falling flat on his face.

Grumbling, he sat up; looking around for the object he tripped on. The sky was slowly darkening (it is 7 PM), a strong breeze chilling his body. He lifted his eyes to be met with a man dressed in black. The mysterious figure grabbed him by the arm, pulling him roughly behind a tree.

The large trunk of the tree providing a cover for the two. The man removed the cloth around his face, looking straight at him with piercing eyes.

"I can't let you go anywhere." He spoke in a low key, his facial expression serious.


"We're burning down the mansion."


No amount of thrashing and struggling had helped him. He was then running. Running for help. He tripped and fell, but didn't stop. His breathing turned ragged as he tore through the small woods between him and the town.

Patches of bushes entangled themselves with his legs, poking his skin with the sharp points. He paid no heed. His mind was going 110 miles an hour, thinking through the situation. Changmin couldn't believe how his already lopsided life tuned completely around.

His eyes searched the darkening night sky, a silent prayer sent to god if there was one as he kneeled in front of the lightened town, trying to catch his breath. A single tear slid down his face, and he opened his shimmering mismatched eyes.

A single house seemed to brighten, glowing in the blanket of night. Yunho-ssi's house...

A desperate cry escaped his lips, as he rose once more, racing to his last brink of hope. Donghae, J-Jaejoong, please... HOLD ON!


His eyes were trained on his outstretched legs. His long arms folded behind his neck, his hands were absently rubbing against the soft cushions of his favorite seat in the living room. His whole house seemed so dull, as if the walls themselves were haunted, to the very roots of the ground.

His house has always been brightly lit, but that evening, no amount of candles or light bulbs was lighting up his heart. Yoochun who had been whining about his weird attitude had eventually given up, and was sitting on the other side of the family room, and peacefully watching TV.

Unsettled thoughts were running through his head, still. It was as if the small conversation he had with Yoochun that afternoon had gotten stuck in his head, and was making him almost nauseated. The word 'Do you love him?' was set on repeat, torturing his tired mind. When Jaejoong had been with him, he knew that the boy was special. He was certain that the place he had in his life was something close to a friend.

But once he was gone, he was no longer sure of anything. He felt confused. And Yoochun sure hadn't helped when he questioned Yunho.

Love? I- I never thought that what I felt for him was l-love... Do I like him like that? I've never been in love. H-he can't be my first love.

Yoochun sighed, getting up from where he had been sitting. Yunho slowly turned his head toward his friend, staring blankly at his approaching friend.

"Yunho-yah, are you okay?" Yoochun finally asked, looking closely at the other man's small face. His eyes looked concerned. Yunho gave a small smile... He felt blessed to have such a nice friend. He didn't know what he would do without him.

"I- I don't know. Maybe not." Yunho looked down, his eyes watering from the pure frustration. His nose burnt from the tears as he squeezed his eyelids shut.

Yoochun opened his mouth to speak when a loud pounding on the door stopped him in his words.

Both men stood up, uncertain as they slowly got near the wooden entrance door. Strangely, the pounding did not stop. It was like the continuous pecking of a woodpecker, only a lot louder. It seemed like forever until they yanked the door open.

It was then that they were faced with Changmin's figure, literally kneeling, and panting on their door way. Sweat was sliding down his face and neck, his breathing in harsh gasps. Yunho opened his mouth to speak when Changmin's raspy voice cut him off.

"HE-HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!" Tears where shining in his eyes as he stared pleadingly up at Yunho and Yoochun.

"Changmin, what are you talking about?!" The two asked in unison.




Hankyung stood up, taking the beaten bucket with him as he moved toward the hose outside. He needed to wash his hands without possibly infecting anything inside and he needed to dump out, and refill the bucket with cold water that could only be found in the hose.

As he made his way through the halls and outside, he sat down, and turned the water on. Just as he was about to wash his hands, he was roughly jerked away from the building. As he struggled and succeeded from freeing himself from the hold, he turned around to be met with someone he knew.

"Kyuhyun... what are you doing here?"

"Well... hello to you too brother."

"You didn't ans-" Hankyung's eyebrows furrowed as he was hushed.

"We are burning this mansion down. It is time to finally get rid of that bastard Kangsoo." His eyes slowly widened as fought once more to free himself.

"WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE PEOPLE?!" The elder brother was enraged. They could not possibly allow so many innocent people burn down with the evil asshole. Kyunhyun shrugged, looking defiantly at Hankyung.

"We got everyone who came out of the mansion for whatever reason they had, safe and away from the mansion. That Kangsoo is making more people suffer than the number of people that live there!"

Hankyung couldn't believe his ears. When had his brother become such a cruel man??

He was getting dragged away from the mansion by two other men when he realized:



As Kyuhyun snapped the large door open, and was immediately met with the image of Kangsoo, tied to his bed, and blood running down his mouth and nose. He had a black eye and he was shouting at the men who had tied his hands to the poles of his bed.

He stepped toward the man, rage taking over his mind as he landed a punch to his bruised and swollen face. He then spit on the man as he turned around, leaving as soon as he arrived.

"Let's go. It’s time to burn this place to the ground."

He smirked when he heard his companions following him, match in hand, and alcohol in the other. The splashed all around the mansion from the outside with alcohol, securing most of the entrances to ensure that Kangsoo wouldn't escape.

Kyuhyun smiled, flicking a single match on and lowering the deadly light to the building. Several others around the outside the mansion were lighting the building at the same time as he was. Kyunhyun finally dropped the match.

The flames were quick to spread.

From behind him, he could hear the loud cry of his Hyung from behind him.

"Donghae! Jaejoong-ah!!!"


His eyes fluttered open, the glassy marbles finally seeing the world. He grunted as he shifted his position, his muscles burning in pain. With each movement, every cell in his body protested. His chest and abdomen were covered in bruises, the blue and purple blossoms decorating his pale skin.

He turned his head to the side, his hair falling in to his face. The glossy raven strands were now stringy, and covered in dry sweat. The dirty floor had bumps, the wood slowly wearing off, with random pieces sticking out. The sharp wood pieces dug into his back, irritating his apparently treated wounds.

He could see a couple of rags abandoned beside him, some were bloody and the others were still wet. Jaejoong could also see some band aids and medical tools, most of them already used.

He tried to change into a sitting position, pushing himself back against the wall with unsteady and shaky arms. As he laid against the wall, he felt a sudden sharp pain from his chest, making him gasp, trying to breath. He grasped his chest, his body trembling from the effort.

As the pain subsided, he let his tense muscles loosen, his form slumping against the wall once more. He gathered his knees, resting his head on top. Jaejoong could feel the raging fever, slowly sucking in what meager energy he had. Minutes ticked by and he still could not move. He was drifting in and out of consciousness, his mind blank.

Yunho-yah... His thoughts once again wandered and were then centered on the man.

Will you come?

Will you take me away?


Save me...

As more minutes ticked by, he started to smell something. Smoke?... His sense of smell only confirmed his suspicion. He opened his eyes with much effort, to see a considerable amount of dark grey spoke sneaking into the room. He waited and waited for it to stop but it didn't.

Soon, he understood.

The mansion is on fire.

He sighed, his doe-eyes shutting. A single tear slid down his cheek from under his closed eyelids. A bitter smile graced his dry lips.

I'm going to die here...

He could feel his lungs burning as a burning sensation took over.

He was slowly suffocating.

A genuine smile colored his lips.

The soulless, glazed eyes reflected the flames engulfing the room.

Maybe...if I die...I won't be used again...


A/N: HOLY SHIT! This did NOT turn out like i wanted it to!!!!!! i feel so depressed! im so sorry my fellow reader if I have disappointed you!

so there is some tention left right? 
What will happen to jae????

on the bright side, yoosu will FINALLY come in :D there WILL be hints of chunmin ^^


do you guys think that im dragging the story out for too long, and i should stop after the next 2 chapters or,
should i continue with the rest of the story and the whole yoochun's family problem and the yunjae issues that i planned to???


genre: violence, fic: the warrior elite, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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