The Warrior Elite- Chapter 11 part 1

Apr 01, 2011 20:48

Title: The Warrior Elite 
Pairing: yunjae, yoosu (after chapter 1) 
Genre: Angst, Violence, SMUT
Length: (9/?) 
Rating: PG 13 
Warning: Violence, con-consent., Dark themes, Attmepted Suicide

Summary: Yunho lives in a warrior tribe. Violence is no stranger, and wars are a constant thing in the everyday life. Jung yunho is the son of a powerful leader in the tribe what happens when a captured slave from another tribe is brought in the Yakata tribe?

Dedicated to  abcdefghiluvyou i <3 u bb ^^

Previous: (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chaper 5) ( Chapter 6 ) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10)f-locked

The Warrior Elite
Chapter 11

A man in dark clothes stopped in his tracks, a smirk playing on his lips when he spotted the group of men sitting around a camp site. He skidded to a halt, taking a seat in an empty spot as the others murmured greetings.

A middle aged man then stood up, clearing his throat, and gathering everyone's scattered thoughts as he spoke:

"Thank you all for coming. As we know, Park Kangsoo, has been stealing, and destroying each and everyone of our towns or tribes. This has been going WITHOUT the permission or the knowledge of the elders of the Yakata tribe, or the commanders. He has also been kidnapping, and taking away our children to use as servants. Have I've missed anything gentlemen?"

Everyone shook their heads 'no' while another man stood up to speak.

"His doings are outrageous and we are finally all here to punish him for all he has done."

A voice from the men called out:

"As we had planned, we will attack, tonight!"


Yunho was sitting in the dinning table, Yoochun on his left. His chopsticks scraped against the bowl, creating a light scratching sound. The pieces of nicely prepared vegetables and meat lay untouched, slowly turning cold.

With a glance, Yoochun's eyes flickered toward the quiet form of his friend. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed a devastated looking on the sharp features. Yoochun dropped his chopsticks pushing his food away with a push. He stood up, glaring at Yunho. He held the other's shoulder in a tight grip.

"Snap out of it! Stop sulking! He was just a slave, it's not like YOU owned him!" Yoochun let out an exasperated sigh, waiting for the reaction from Yunho. Sure enough, the man stood up as well, his furious set of eyes trained on Yoochun.

"He wasn't just a slave!!! How can you say that!" came his taken aback reply.

"Then if you LOVE him, stop sulking, get off your lazy ass, and GO AFTER HIM!" Yoochun smiled on the inside. He knew that he had hit home. The pain that flashed in Yunho's eyes said it all.

Yunho stared down at his clenched hands. He felt a sharp pain penetrate his heart, making him wince. The pure agony and PAIN of losing some one you- you love, was indescribable. But he couldn't remember how he came to think so differently of the fifteen year old.

Four days ago he had been calling Jaejoong a whore, wanting absolutely nothing to do with him. Now he was mourning for losing him to Kangsoo. However, he could clearly remember when he came to see him for who he is.


The had been walking around the Han river when Jaejoong spoke.

"You know, I didn't choose this." he looked at Jaejoong, surprised at the boy's sudden words.


"I want to be loved, and cherished and I-I want someone to look at me' like I'm worth SOMETHING. Not just a toy, o-or an object of lust..." His eyes watered a bit, his gaze dropping down to stare at his feet. Yunho studied his face, a grave expression on his own.


Jaejoong threw his head back, a loud bitter laughter escaping his lips. Yunho's eyebrows were furrowed, his dark orbs mirroring Jaejoong's own sadness. As the boy laughed, Yunho saw tears swelling in his reddening eyes.

"No no, it's ok. It's not like it'll ever happen." His pouty lips forming into a slight smile.


Yunho shook his thoughts away as well as his head. He looked at Yoochun. I don't love him. I-I only feel sorry for him. Trying to reassure himself Yunho shook his head no at Yoochun.

"I don't love him."

Yoochun's eyebrows raised, holding his gaze skeptically. Yunho was sure that his friend was doubting him. So in another desperate attempt to convince Yoochun.

"No, I really don't."

"Alright, fine. Then let's go to the town, I'm tired of your depressed mood." As of challenging Yunho's statement, Yoochun complained.

Yunho grumpily stood up, still unwilling to snap out of his thoughts.


Changmin took the patch of bandages from Junsu's hands, in a hurry to get back to the mansion. A shiver went up his spine when he remembered the events from the night before. The screams and the torture clogged his mind; the unwanted wails of agony still fresh in his thoughts. He never thought that those things would happen. To Jaejoong no less. He had only begun to heal from his first night's stay at Park Kangsoo's estate.

He tried hard not to think back to when he checked on Jaejoong again, but his struggle was hopeless.


Changmin grabbed Donghae, dragging his friend with him to Jaejoong's room. His heart was beating against his ribcage, a dreaded feeling washing over his tense body.

Donghae cocked his head analyzing Changmin's tense muscles.

"What's wrong Minnie-ah?" Donghae's concerned voice rang in the deserted hallway. The dark walls emanating a negative aura. Changmin hated them. He hated the claustrophobic sensation he would get everytime he passed through them.

He hated the old memories replaying in front of his eyes everyday. He wanted to break away. He wanted to escape with Donghae and Jaejoong so that nothing can harm any of them.

As they approached the old room, he could hear the sound of Hankyung, their doctor, shuffling around inside. His hand trailed the door, giving it a light push to open.

Hankyung was kneeling on the floor, his medical tools laid out on the span of a large white cloth. He was in the process of stitching up a large gash embedded on Jaejoong's side.

The boy's eyes were closed, still unconscious. His forehead had beads of cold sweat streaming down, his eye lids still puffy from crying before he passed out. Jaejoong's lips were slightly parted, his breathing sounding labored.

Hankyung turned around, reaching for the bandaid when his eyes fell on the two standing by the door way.

"Wha-is-?..." Donghae swallowed, looking questioningly at Hankyung. His gaze flickered between the doctor and Jaejoong.

"I think he was raped after the beating." The sharp blunt words cut deep. Changmin almost chocked on his spit. He came forward, sitting beside the limp body on the ground. His hand reached up to caress the side of his cheek.

When he felt the burning fever under his fingertips, he took a small piece of cloth, dipping it in the bucket of cold water. He wringged the extra water out, placing the cloth on the boy's forehead. Donghae sat on the other side of the unconscious form, taking a sponge and washing his bare chest.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help..." Changmin whispered, pushing back Jaejoong's bangs away from his closed eyes.


Changmin picked up hispace, hurrying to get home with the bandages. Hankyung needed more for Jaejoong's wounds. He hoped that the boy had woken up. The poor soul had been put cold for almost 14 hours. The guilt was eating him alive, he felt that he could've helped him. Maybe if he had, he wouldn't have been so broken. Maybe he wouldn't have been violated.

Just as he was about make a turn, he smacked into a strong body.


Yunho looked down at the figure that had bumped into him. To his surprise, it was Changmin. He helped the younger guy up, pulling on his hand. The boy dusted his clothes off; taking the small bundle of bandages that had fallen on the ground.

"Sorry Yunho-ssi." Changmin smiled, bowing as he apologized. Changmin fidgeted under Yoochun and Yunho's gaze, his mind wandering back to the mansion. Yunho noticed the impatient gestures, but he kept silent until he thought about something.

"Are you in a hurry?" Changmin hesitated, but nodded eventually.

"Hankyung our doctor ran out of material so I had to go buy some. But you'll have to excuse me. Goodbye."

Yunho stared after Changmin's retreating back.

huh... I wonder what that was about.


The men held their positions, waiting for the signal.

A loud bird call sounded through the woods.

They knew, it was time.

A man by the name of Kyuhyun raised his voice to a whisper.

"Remember the plan. Burn the mansion. Make sure he burns with it. We don't have time to allow everyone to evacuate because Park Kangsoo would be able to escape."


A/N: I'm SO sorry for how this turned out. I was in Chicago when I typed this and in the car too! 
I have been DYING to get to this part of the story!!!!

Also, this chapter was so long!!! I may post the next part tomorrow or on Monday (it's Friday right now where I live)

I've also have been planning this part ever since I started the fic so sorry if it seems too cheesy



genre: violence, fic: the warrior elite, pairing: yunjae, genre: angst

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