
Oct 02, 2009 12:49

So... It's strange being back in school, and it's even stranger being back in art classes. I just got my first grade from my drawing class (only 6 weeks in, nice!), and I was so worried because this is the teacher who always looks at what I'm doing and is like, "What's going on here? This is too dark. You should do it like this." and rarely says anything sort of positive about my sketches. Meh, no big deal, it's just weird. And she's a lurker, which totally gives me performance anxiety. I came into all of these art classes a little worried that this would all be a repeat of high school, where I didn't feel successful in art whatsoever. My first grade in this drawing class was a 24/25, which was this huge relief, because now I feel like my other A's in my 2D class aren't completely unwarranted. I actually feel like I can do this. My GPA over all is like a (very high, thank you) C average, so those other classes/subjects... I CAN do them, but it feels good to be kind of good at something again. I met a guy that made me feel a little better about my superfluous major the other day. He said his generation worked very hard to give our generation the world we have now, and he said we need artists and it's now our job to make the world beautiful. Hahaha. Well ok, that's enough lj bragging. I have to call my mom and brag now.

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