Nov 01, 2005 14:16
I never update this thing?...
I went to CT last weekend. It went alright. It felt weird being there. I felt so far away from everyone.
A lot has been going on lately. I can't believe I'm still sain. All last week was bad day after bad day. One thing after another. Everyone has been in a bad mood here because of all this stuff that is going on, but finally things are settling and we're moving again...which was part of the problem. We found a house though. I just have to change schools. It's still in Nashua, but on the SOUTH side. Hmph... oh well. Thursday is going to be my last day at North. I'm gonna miss everyone. I like my classes. Poo. The house is okay though. I mean jees it has 5 bedrooms. We all get our own bedroom! Katie, Josh, Me, Rentals, and Shawna. Fun stuff. Eh..
Last Friday, I went to Sarah's dance. I saw Alyssa and then met a bunch of people. A lot of people came up to me asking "Are you Kita?!" or "You're Pat's GIRLFRIEND!!?" lol. And then they'd ask where heeee was. Yeah.. he couldn't go. Poo head. It was wicked fun though. After, I went to Sarah's and she chit chatted on the pc and I called Pat and talked to him for an hour or so. Me and Sarah talked for a little after and then went to bed. We woke up around around 11 on Saturday, hung around, went downstairs, I wrote a note back to Pat because he had written me one, and Sarah wrote one to Peeettterrrr ;) ;). Her mommy made us pancakes and then we went up to her room and finished our notes. Just hung around all day and then around 4, my mommy picked me up. I was suppose to get a new phone from T-Mobile...but that got all messed up because we don't have credit cards so it would have costed 500 dollars a phone. LOL. Yeah... okay. Whatever, I'm getting on Cingular with my madre. Better then nothing. I was suppose to goto a party that night. I'm not even gonna get into it, but I ended up not going. I talked to Pat for awhile though sooo ended up not being THAT bad.
Sunday, uhhh...woah. I don't even know what I did?! OH! I was suppose to hang out with Jay, but I ended up having to help my mom with stuff and so on and so forth so poo. I talked to Pat for like ..093284092843 hours. Felt that way anyway. lol My mom was being a complete...err.. crazy. haha. Pat would know.
Monday, school was good. I told all my teachers I was moving and this week was my last week. :( I stayed after with my US History teacher to finish a test, came home, hung around, got ready, Ali showed up and EEE she was such a hotttieeee DEVIL. Haha. I was dorthy. Go meee. We left at 6 and started trick or treating. This one lady...woah. She was like ... =O Hahaha. Nevermind. Ali knows it though and eeeek crazy woman. Sarah and her brother showed up around 7. We got our picture taken by a lady that was given out candy. She was bo peep and her brother was Jack Skeleton from Nightmare Before Christmas. We were an interesting group. Around 730, we stoped because Sarah was going to AJs and I wanted to go Surprise Pat at his work. My mom ran late though and didn't come home till 830 so it was too late. Rawr. Oh well. Me and Ali watched a movie, ate some tacobell. I talked to Pat for a little. She was over until like 11? Almost. I LOVE HER. I haven't seen her in everrrr and EEE made me happy. Sarah toooooo ofcourse. I love my Sarah too. They are the bestestestest. Dah. I went to bed like right after. Well, me and Katie talked some about our nights and then we went to bed. Today we woke up and desided we didn't want to go. So we didn't. Not good. I know. But er.. whatever. We slept till 1130..woke up and watched some of Cribs and then watched a movie annnnnnnnnnd then I came on here not too long ago.
This week, working tonight... tomorrow.. starting to move...Thursday drs appt and then OC at 8 and then Friday IS GARRETTS PARTTYYYY. I have to goto South in the morning too to get registered and stuff. AHHHH. Saturday I'm totally moving and then hopefully hanging out with Pat after he gets out of work. I miss him.
But now I hve to go shower and then Pat should be calling soon sooo..yeah I should go.
Buuuuhhhh byeeee :) :)
Btw, I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween :D