Oct 16, 2005 19:59
This past week has been okay. Last Sunday, I went to Yvonne's from 12-3:30ish. I came back and Ali came over, I talked to Pat for awhile while me and Ali played N64 and hung out until around like 6, I started getting ready or actually I think I waited till 6:30. Yeah that's right. I had getting ready issues too. Everything was not going right lol. We left around 7, Pat got there like right before us so then we got our tickets and then we went in the theater and at frist it was just us and like 2 other people and then like the whole theater almost got filled. We saw Into The Blue. It was pretty good. After, Pat brought us back to my house and then he had to go so yeah.. he went home. Me and Alicia hung out and played some N64 lol Talked to Pat again for some time and then uhm... I don't remember. Hung out I guess? :) Monday, talk to Pat, watched Movies w/ Alicia, hung out all day.. yep awesome. Tuesday, School, talked to Pat on the phone.. and then work. It was alright. Made 80 bucks in tips. WoOp. Weds, didn't goto school, I was sick and then I talked to Pat on the phoneee and then had to work so I went to work and it was slow and .. blah. I made like 25 bucks in tips. Yeah, it sucked. I still didn't feel good either and I was sick all the next day so I slept like all day Thursday. Talked to Pat for awhile and then went out with Katie and her to find stuff for a our room and we were out till like 7 and since I was still a little sick and it was late anyway, I didn't get to see my Sarah so poo. Friday, me and Katie stayed home again to help move. It was raining all day so we didn't get much done. We went out around 1 to get our paint and we were at Home Depot till like 3. It took forever and then Pat called me around 2, so I talked to him for awhile, but then I had to go bc we had to go find out beds. We were out tilll ike 5 so I couldn't goto Ali's homecomming. RAWR. Uhh.. I don't even know what I did that night. OH. We started painting. Yeah.. fun stuff. I talked to Dave and he couldn't come up with Cole on Saturday becasue he had to work, but Cole couldn't come up anyway because he didn't have enough gas money or something. I don't know. It would have been weird anyway considering, Ali couldn't go and no Dave either. That stinks. I'm most likely going up next Saturday though so, I can still see Dave and Ryan... well I know I'd see Dave anyway. I haven't talked to Ry in awhile. Tim might be gone all weekend so yeah.. poo. I was gonna go up Friday, but that's too much CT. I'm good with Saturday and Sunday. lol uhmm Saturday, I was suppose to goto Sarah and Pat's homcoming bonfire thing that night, but it was cancelled and not Sarah wasnt going anymore and Pat couldnt so oh well.... some of my uncles came over, my cousin Timmy and my dad's friend and we all moved well.. i lied, we hung around most the time considering it was pouring out. By like 7 it kinda stopped so we moved as much as we could and then we came back in and I packed and moved a lot of my stuff and then we were done bc we couldnt really do much more until today. I talked to Pat for like 30 min and then I hung out with the family. I love them their so awesome. I talked to Sarah for some time too. I LOVE HER. teee heee. Uhmm.. I went to bed around like 11:30. OH YEAH! I forgot about my PSATS. Errrg. >_< Sunday(today) I woke up at like 9:30, finishd everything...talked to Pat for like 2 hours .. yeey. This week, Mon&Tues I'm working Weds.. I better not be bc I wanna hang out with Pat..Thursday, O.C Night w/ Sarah dah. Friday, I dont know. Saturday&Sunday CT. so yeah... my week is pretty much booked. It better go by quck too, atleast to Weds. I haven't seen Pat since last Sunday. I miss him. Yes I do. I'm gonna go nowww. Taking a shower soon and going to bed soon. I forget who sings it but its called Beverly Hills. Yeah, its gay they play it WAY too much and all I have is the radio right now. Poo. Toooooooootles.