Nov 19, 2004 22:57
hey kids ! whats up ? nMh . just kinda chillin . like literally haha JaMiEs CoLd =( sO yEaH . ive officially stuck to this as my journal cuz i was gettin sick of xanga being dOwN or fReEziNg up on me and not saving my updates so yeah . and i know you love my icon but guess what .. STEPHENS MiNE MUTHAFUCKASSSS . krystal said so . =) anywho . tOniGhT wAs FuN ..
i kinda sorta skipped 5tH today cuz i uHhH ... i didnt feel good . and then yeah had a headache all flippin day but mommy made me go to school for 6tH-8tH . mEh . i had fun so the headache kinda disappeared on me for a while . in art me and talia tend to find EVERYTHiNG funny and im not sure why but we do . so thats always fun . and we got to listen to the radio and some annoying chick @ sArAhS table kept singing and like .. she wouldnt know all the words so shed mumble and like hum at the same time . hahaha . it was great . i guess you had to be there . hahah . yeah . and thennn mHm . thats about all the eventful stuff that happened today . i think me and kate and possibly mallory are gonna apply at ZiOs as hostesses . woo !! that sounds like fUn! but i dunno if its gonna work for me since we have practice so much and whatnot . maybe theyll just hire me for the wkends? hahaha . yeah . i dunno why thats funny . im hyper leave me alone . and then yeah . mallory got online after school or w/e and told me about her little church thingie downtown and asked if i wanted to go and i had nothin better to do so i was like eHhHh WHAT THE HAY !? so yeah i went with her and hannah to BiLL MiLLeRs first and then back to their house then we went dOwNtOwN for the concertttt . it was mucho funnnn . i love that mallory girl with all my wittle bitty heart . =) yeah and as usual we got real hyper before i left and were like freaking out and yeah . talked about random things and random girls im BEGiNNiNG TO HATEEEE . STOP LYiNG AND GET YOUR OWN DAMN GUY GAHHHHHHH ... the world would be a better place .. it really would . andddd yes . her lover called and then her stalker lover called and yeah . he loves me too aparently . SHOW iT THEN JERKWADDDD ! hahaha . yeah . so it was fun . wOoP wOoP ! fun night . now im real tired and cold cuz my clothes are still wet cuz the concert dealie got rained out =/ and yeah . imma go night night now . LoVe YoU gUyS ! <33. xOxOxOxOxO !
aBrA cAdAbRa ..
hErEs a MaGiC tRiCk ..