I kind of think that all the fanfiction I've been reading lately is giving me unrealistic expectations of love. Lol. My life is so hard.
In other news,
Once again, another episode where I'm torn between thinking it was hilarious and thinking it was depressing. I hate Will's wife so much. I loved Finn hopped up on decongestant. Lol.
Okay, so this show. I really really loved the Pilot. And I went and got a ton of my friends addicted to it by showing them said Pilot. Even my little brother. :) And now I have three friends at school who are absolutely obsessed with it. And I feel like my attitude toward this show is sort of like my attitude toward The Office. I love it, it's hilarious, but I'm not flipping the hell out over it like the rest of the world seems to be. So now I guess I know how my friends feel when I go on and on about a show that they only feel meh about themselves. Lol.
Speaking of!
Thank fuck that Sam and Dean had the conversation they did. I can almost forgive them not having A Voicemail Talk after this episode. I thought the brother dynamics were awesome in this episode - the conversation in the car, after the phone call, at the end. Perfect. And I was kind of glad they brought up Daddy issues again. :) I missed me my Winchester Daddy issues. This episode had a good balance of lolz (which, after the angst-fests of the previous four episodes) and sincerity. I love my show.