Dec 06, 2013 23:14
Things I hate about New Hampshire:
- winter
- the cold
- winter
- it's so freaking dry in winter, my skin is shriveling up and I'll probably die and I wake up with bloody noses all the time and when I put on lotion I can FEEL my skin drinking it up and I have to put on more like five seconds later
- winter
- all my friends have moved away save three, one I like but don't see often because she's always away at frisbee tournaments, one I don't particularly like but he's the boyfriend of the one I do like so it's kind of hard to avoid him, and one I like but she smokes like a chimney and also is only here three days a week because she's away in Rhode Island the rest of the time
- winter
Things I like about New Hampshire:
- I have a job that pays me money that I don't entirely hate
I have been pretty unhappy with this season's Supernatural. I don't know why, really. Well, I hated that virgins episode ugh with every fiber of my being. But I was watching an episode the other day feeling kind of apathetic and wondering to myself when the last time was that I've actually started watching a show that was currently airing and then actually stuck with from then to the end and I'm pretty sure there are only two shows on my list: West Wing and Life. I mean, I've watched entire seasons of things - Arrested Development, The X-Files - but there are so many other shows that I've watched a lot/most of but not finished, usually because I lose interest while it's still on the air: House, Bones, Fringe, The Office. I guess when it comes to British shows, I've watched entire series of things: Merlin, for one, also Lewis, in fact most British shows. But British shows are shorter and, usually, better, so I'm not sure they count for what I'm thinking about. That's not to say that the shows I stop watching, I stop liking at all. I still say I love House, The Office, etc, but then I usually have to eventually admit that I never finished the series, so I don't know much about what happened past season 5, or 7, or wherever I stopped.
I don't really have a point. It was mostly just an observation about my TV watching habits that I'd noticed. Actually maybe I touched on my point inadvertently - maybe the fewer-episodes-per-season thing the Brits do is a lot better because it maintains quality over the same period of time by not exhausting storylines, forcing plots or relationships or whatever, and making sure actors don't weary of their roles. Actually, yes, that's my point.
Okay that's all bye.