I cannot explain to you the depths to which I disliked that episode.
And it's not cuz I'm being whiny and like, "waaah, I hate Dean, blah blah blah." Here's the thing:
After last week, a little bit of me that was a Dean!girl cheerleader died with the sound of the amulet hitting the bottom of that trash can. But I get it. I get it enough not to go all fangirl!dramatic over it like half of the mutha' effin' fandom did. See, cuz season 4 was Sam's turn to turn up the emo and bring out the angst. And now, it's Dean's turn. Y'all feel me? After what those boys have been through, I'd say they're completely entitled to get into these little pissy ruts and hate the world for a while. But Sam crawled out of it - Dean will too. It just sucks that I have to have my heart broken for a few more weeks before he does so. Rock bottom, baby, it's comin'. I feel it. Those boys are going to rip each other new ones pretty soon. There's just too much anger and resentment building up not to.
AND BY THE WAY. Can I just say that Dean is like REALLY messed up? I mean, the fact that his entire happiness, his ability to have hope and function in a not-very-hopeful world - his very being - is completely centered around the ability to make other people happy and/or keep them safe? That is very, very sad. And I'm not trying to sound patronizing. AND YES I KNOW THESE ARE CHARACTERS. Excuse me for getting invested in them. I'm saying it actually is SAD.
I always thought it was the hunting lifestyle, the whole living-out-of-a-car thing, the whole, "Watch out for Sammy" thing that made him messed up. But you know that memory with his mom? Where Sam realized "how long [he's] been cleaning up dad's messes"? Yeah. That was before that lifestyle. Meaning Dean's been messed up for a very long time. I'm actually kind of glad that he had Sam to invest so much in. Can you imagine how much more he would have been messed up had he not had a person on which to dote his affection and his apparently lifelong mission to single-handedly keep the whole world happy upon? So it backfired a little. Not Dean's fault. Too bad he sees it that way. It just sucks that he sees his own failure in Sam, but not only that, he sees Sam's leaving as a rejection of Dean's effort to make him happy.
BUT I'm getting carried away. Back to this week.
Like I said. Dean's entitled to have a little freak-out session here. He just had his entire world flipped upside down on him.
I forgot what I was even talking about.
Oh yeah. How much I disliked the episode. Okay, so my reasons for disliking the episode: not Dean's piss-poor attitude. (Which is making Denmark rotten - hahahaaaa. Sassy Gay Friend. OMG Dean needs a Sassy Gay Friend!!! But I digress.)
Reasons instead: the lady who played Jane? The mom of the cute dude who got stabbed in the neck by the demon? Was a terrible actress. And I wanted to, like, punch her mascara. Or something.
And before I get started on the number one reason I disliked this episode, I'll just say that a lot of it was good. I liked the whole Whore-of-Babylon storyline. I liked the preacher dude. I loved drunk!Castiel a lot. There were a lot of good one-liners. It's definitely not like it was the worst episode ever. Not by a long shot.
But here we go: I hated (HATED) the ending of it. I thought that it interrupted the flow of the episode. I thought it was too unclear as to who Lisa was (even though most people probably knew, it took just a second too long to get it - mostly because she really wasn't all that memorable of a character. Ben was way the hell more memorable than her.) I thought it was completely and pretty terribly random for Dean to have decided that of all people to go say goodbye to before surrendering to the apocalypse it needed to be her. I mean, really? Really? "When I imagine myself happy, it's here with you?" or whatever the hell cheesy line he gave to her? No, I don't think so. I'm not like those psychotic Harry/Hermione shippers who claim to know the characters better than JK Rowling does, when it comes to this sort of situation, but I really don't think Lisa was a good choice for Dean to have settling-down-happily-ever-after feelings for.
So I've decided that it was more the idea of her that he was interested in. Well, of her, her life, and her child. I have been of the mindset now for, like, three seasons, that Dean is the one who wants the normal life, as much as Sam says he does. I think Sam wants the comfortable life, Dean wants the "normal" life. And I know the show tries to play Dean off as like, unsure of what to do with kids, but I'm sorry. Any interaction that I've seen Dean have with a child has been a good one, one that shows that Dean loves kids. So yeah. I think Dean was more interested in having a girl, and a kid, and a house, than he was in having Lisa, and Ben. You know? Disagree, agree, whatever. I actually don't particularly care that much.
Basically, I just thought it was a crappy ending. I thought that if it really was the idea Dean was after more, the show just wasn't quite clear enough with that, and that if it really was Lisa Dean was after, then the show should have long been making references to her since her episode - not completely forgetting about her until, conveniently, the world is ending and Dean is having second thoughts about saying "no."
Ugh. Just ugh. I am so dissatisfied. Also, I'm quite sleepy and that's probably where all of this is coming from.
One more thing. I started wondering if reintroducing Lisa was some stupid plot device relating to God. Because you know how Joshua said that God was just sort of hangin' down on Earth, minding his own business, not caring much, and ignoring the apocalypse? I thought that if Show followed the same sort of pattern it did with the whole Trickster/Gabriel thing that God as a character will be a character we've already seen before. (This is all half-assedly thought out btw, because I actually have no idea if they're planning on ever showing God as a character within an episode.) So I was like, well, maybe reintroducing Lisa is inadvertently introducing God. But I didn't think Lisa would be very good as God. So, naturally, what conclusion to I come to?
:D :D :D
EDIT: HEY HEY! GUESS WHAT? I just totally got shown up on someone else's post-ep discussion post when I basically ranted about this same sort of thing. Some chick responded to me and was like, "er, Lisa was in Dean's dream world as his idea of a perfect life." And I was like, "??????????????" Because I didn't know wtf the "dream world" was and I was SO CONFUSED. But I think I remember now! See??? That's what I get for watching season 3 and 4 in close succession and then never rewatch them! I really need to continue on my epic rewatch of this whole series. I missed so much the first time around. But I'm still only halfway through season 1. BUT anyway. That means that the whole Lisa thing ACTUALLY DOES make sense. Go continuity! Fail is me for not realizing that! Yay!
Hahahahahaaa. That turned out way more ridiculous than I had originally planned.
In conclusion: hugs solve most of the world's problems, we just don't give enough out for free. Also, sleep.
EDIT AGAIN!: Okay just kidding! The more I think about it the more I liked this episode! Thank you for your time!