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Sep 03, 2005 06:02

So it's been an incredibly long time since I've updated and since I have about an hour and a half left at work I figured it'd be a good time to rattle off about what's going on in my life. I've moved back to PSU and I'm in my apartment with B and I actually like it a lot. It's much nicer than the dorms (I think) and it's nice to not have to worry about following rules and shit. Also, it's kind of cool to be making my own food and not going to the dining commons all the time.

So far my classes are cool. My Japanese 401 course is going to rape my asshole, but I just need to get a C in it for it to count towards my major. That said, my goal is to actually get a B or B+ in the class. Seeing as I understood everything she said to us on the second day of class, I don't think that will be too hard as long as I put time into translating the text and studying for quizes (which I hope will be very straightforward).

Other than Jap class everything else seems really easy so far. My Japanese history course looks to be a simple gen ed (even though I swear it could have been scary). Also, my two CAS classes are both dealing with pretty controversal issues and seem to be mostly discussion based classes so I know I'll enjoy those very much. The only downer is that both classes have group projects and I really hate that crap as I'd much rather work alone. I haven't had my other 400 level Japanese course yet, but seeing as it's a film course and our required text book was volume one of the manga Naruto, I don't think it will be too too difficult. He did say that we'd have extra stuff to do if we were taking the class as a major requirement though...

Other than that my life has been devoted to working, sleeping, spending time with Tom, and playing Nintendogs. Me and Briana are like super obsessed with the game and usually if one of us isn't playing it the other one is. We have three dog's we're raising: a female boxer named Tresspassers, a femal chihuahua named Darcie, and a male husky named Puff. Puff is amazing because he wears a pirate hat. Darcie is a bitch, but we still love her and she's getting a lot better at the disc competition. TPassers is pretty hot as all she does is play jump rope and wear aviators all day long. I just spent about an hour playing the game before writing this entry; I think I have a problem!

I also bought two new gamecube games at Walmart because they were 14.99 new and I was like "might as well!" I got Billy Hatcher and PN03 both of which are fun. PN03 has some pretty awful controls, but i'm getting used to it and it's becoming pretty cool. Billy Hatcher is of course cute and weird and quirky so it's pretty much everything I really like about video games. I mean you're a boy in a chicken suit rolling eggs around to defeat evil crows, how amazing is that?

Also it's kind of an exciting week in music as Mariah has both the number one and two spots on the Billboard Hot 100. This is something that only five other artists have done before and i think it's so great that her new material has been recieved so well!

Today I'm gonna go to the mall to see if I can find a new backpack to buy and to return a movie. Tom and I saw this film "Old Boy" the other day and while it started off pretty weird and all "wtf" it actually had a really intricate plot and there's like a revelation in the end that's just absolutely amazing. We also watched The Hillside STrangler (blah) and I Spit on Your Grave (pretty good) as well. I'm also three episodes into the second season of Nip/Tuck and it's reminding me just how amazing the show is. I think I've seen about half of season two and all of season one so I'm in no rush to finish S2 before S3 starts on Sept 20th. Also I've almost finished watched my Muppets season one set and Sailor Moon S (I'm on the last disc of each). That said, I have two movies on dvd I need to watch: Clueless and Elephant. Also, Tom and I went to BBuster the other day and I found Tampopo there and rented it and bought it because it was only $20! I about peed myself because the dvd goes for about $100 to $150 on Amazon.com as it's out of print. It was made in 1998 making it one of the very first DVDs ever made! It's this weird Japanese film about food and all it's different meanings and such and it's really just funny and great. The guy from The Last Samurai is one of the main characters in it.

Other than that I don't have too much else to report on... I'll try and snap a photo of my three doggies so I can be lame and show everyone what they look like.

Oh.. I wanted to complain about work. Tonight I got to Pollock at midnight and they had to move me to Findley and I was all "okay whatever." Well I get here and there's SO MUCH work to do. We had to distribute FOUR sets of fliers to about 600 sudents so that's like 2400 fliers! Then we had to forward all this mail and magazines and we just finished at like 5:30Am. Also, at like 2 a million drunk people came to get their packages and it was really odd. People also seem to lose their room keys and IDs a lot (mostly girls who just leave their purse somewhere). But all in all the time went by the fastest it's ever been even if I didn't get to do any of the homework I wanted. Tom showed up drunk with Angel to talk to me and told me about the orgy he had. He also brought me a drink and I thought that was so sweet of him. :)

I'm going over there when I get off work and I can't wait to cuddle next to him in bed.
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