Trying hard enough

Jan 25, 2009 23:49

Author: inpurity
Title: Trying hard enough
Genre: Romance
Rating: R for language
Fandom: Nate Ruess/Jesse Lacey and Frank Iero/Gerard Way (but blink and you'll miss it)
Summary:Being crazy is a give in New York City. From Woody Allen's movies, to the kids shooting up in Battery park, it's all a masked, dangerous game of what if and maybes. But sometime, someone just try hard enough to make it work.
Word Count: ~2500
Dedication: To the lovely x_Kchan_x, because I promised her and because I love her.
Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction, not written for profit. I claim no connection with any member of FUN, Brand New, MCR their families or friends. The events hereby narrated are absolutely false and are not meant to reflect the person's private life. No harm, misrepresentation, libel, malice or copyright infringement is intended. At no time is this meant to be construed as reality.

Trying hard enough
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