Dec 09, 2003 20:37
First Name:Amara
Middle Name: Maxine
Nicknames: marz, smooches
City: boston (hyde park if you really care to know)
Age: 16
Sex: f
Birthday: may 29th
Siblings: 1
Pets: Pearl the uber-fat dog!!
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Do you find yourself attractive?: depends on the i feel like one sexy bitch
Do you find yourself ugly?:sometimes, but you get used to it after a while
Do others find you attractive?: probably not but i don't really care
Do you have a g/f or a b/f?: no
If so.. What is their name?: duy.
Do you have a crush?:
Where do you shop the most?: the thrift store, yesss
Do you think your fashion is cool?: si
Do you have any piercings?: yes
Where do you want more?: i think
Do you have a tattoo?: no
Where are they?: no
Do you want more?: i don't have any you lame motherfucker
Do you drink?:nah
Who are your best friend(s)?: anna, melissa, heather, susanna, nick, audrey, jesse, adina blah blah blah
Who are your best friend(s) online?: i talk to kathy a decent ammount, and victoria
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: uhm...biotera shampoo and some weird minty smelling conditioner
What sport(s) do you play?: well..i always try to beat my own time by seeing how fast i can get from the couch to the fridge during the commercial breaks.
What are you most scared of?: the universe, infinity
How many phones in your house?: 4
How many TV's do you have in your house?: three
What are you listening to right now?: Queer Eye for the Straight guy in the background
Who are you talking to right now?: no one
Do you have a pager (if so could we have the #)?:no
Do you have your own phone line?: no
Can we have your phone number?: if you're cool you know it already...i'll give you a hint...617.364.----
What shoes do you wear?:chucks and uh....chucks, but that is all about to change. 2 winters in these babies and i just can't handle it anymore.
What clothes do you sleep in?: pj pants and tshirts and hoodies
Who is the last person who called you?: mmm...melissa, like, yesterday or the day before
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: i'd probably stay the same
-- favorite --
Book?: House of Leaves, The House of the Spirits, 100 Years of Solitude
Subject in school?: art & english
Season?: spring i guess.
Color:black, it goes w/ everything
Number(s): any good song on a cd
Band(s): Poe, PGMG, Quasi
Movie: The Pianist
Kind of movie?: comedy or something deep and thought-provoking
Candy: peeps! and jelly beans, i like fruit-flavored stuff
TV Show: I love the 80's, real world/road rules, the cosby show
Food: carbs! potatoes, pasta....i love all food, i don't hate.
Fast Food: ben & jerry's...does that count as fast food?
Radio Station: who listens to the radio in this day and age? i guess i'll have to say classical cause it's what my alarm is set to
Teacher: ms.stroud in 1st grade
-- have you ever... --
Liked somebody soooo much it makes you cry?: yeah
Smoked?: no
Drank?: no
Got drunk?: no
Had sex?: c'mon guys....
Been arrested?: yeah, i'm such a delinquent
Broke the law?: yeah, but i never get caught ;)
Ran from the cops?: yeah, i was that girl in the grungy wifebeater & neon pink hot shorts in front of that trailer on Cops...
Stole something?: if you count that cool label i ripped off of tie @ Savers..
Tried to kill yourself?: i've WANTED to but i could never do that
Killed an animal?: haven't we all?
Been in love?: no
Ran away?: from home? no
Broken someone's heart?: no
Cried when someone died?: yeah
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?: obviously
Lied?: duh
Cried at school?: ya
Girls or guys?: depends on the weather
Flowers or Candy?: candy
Scruffy or Clean Shaved?: HAHA, nick & his ever-present 5:00 shadow!! depends on the guy i guess
Quiet or Loud?: quiet
Blondes or Brunettes?: who cares
Tall or Short?: as tall as me
Shorts or pants?: well, if it's cold, then pants
-- opposite sex --
What do you notice first?: shoes
Last person you slow danced with?:, my 4 year old cousin
-- name your.. --
Your weakness?: the boobtube
-- who --
Makes you laugh the most?: i consider my jokes pretty funny...
Makes you smile?: nick cause he's just so stupid
Has a crush on you?: EVERYONEEE!
Can make you feel better no matter what?: pearl, well..not really.
Has it easier, guys or girls?: we're all living in the same hard world right?
-- do you ever --
Sit by the phone and wait for a call?: ew, who does that
Save conversations?: not unless i put em in my LJ
Save emails?: if i order something or if they're important
Wish you were somebody else?: not really, be happy w/ what you have
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: ew, no.
-- best --
Kiss?: kissing is so yesterday.
Recent Romantic Event?: um...i don't do romance. i do one night stands and shots of vodka in the cold winter snow.
Most recent advice given to you?: my mom always yells advice at me
-- have you --
Fallen for your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
Kissed someone who was JUST a friend?: no
Been rejected?: yep
Used someone?: no
Been used?: no
Been cheated on?: no
Been kissed?: i don't kiss & tell
Done something you regret?: yes
Fallen for a friend?: no
-- who was the last person you... --
You touched?: um, myself, i just took a shower.
You talked to?: i IM'ed nick but he never respoonds until he has to go
You hugged?: good question, i need a hug.
You instant messaged?: nick
You yelled at?: my mom i think
You laughed with?: .....myself.
Who broke your heart?: santee claus
Who told you they loved you?: i love me.