Early November (I feel like that's a band's name...)

Nov 13, 2007 22:35

Alright, sadly this entry won't be all that interesting cause early November has been pretty chill. There are a lot of pictures of Guy Fawkes' Day along with pictures of my dorm room. Yes, I realize this took me two months to accomplish!

So November 5th is Guy Fawkes' Day and if any of you have ever seen V for Vendetta you'll know what I'm talking about. Anyway, it's a pretty big holiday in the UK and is celebrated with a dangerous amount of fireworks and here are like a BILLION pictures of them:

Remember, remember the 5th of November!

Me and my bbg Emily, taken by myself. I got mad skillz yo!

A lot of them are like this, but that was done on purpose cause Ellen, Rachel, and myself think some things look better this way :P

Fireworks HAT!!!

This one above goes out to my slags cause I think they kind of look like shooting hearts and you know I ♥ you girls!!

This is a sign for the Commonwealth Games that Glasgow had a bid for and they won it!!! So the games will be taking place in Glasgow in 2014. I plan on being back here for that :)

Fireworks from my window!

That's my flatmate Sam throwing M&M's at my window from the "street"! Big waste of M&M's if you ask me!

My friends decided I had to be Jewish one night and make them Latkas, check out that two pan action.. i'm fucking Rachael Ray thank you very much!

The batter for the Latkas, doesn't look too delicious there :(

hmmm starting to look delcious droollgughghghghgh

Alright, this is mainly for my dad and sister but this is what my flat looks like:

Flat H!! Three friggen floors up!

The hellish stairs I climb everyday!

Our hallway that holds 5 flats and our kitchen.

My actual room (flat)

PHEW! Ok I think that's it! I promise more exciting pictures to come as this weekend I'm going to the Scottish Borders and the weekend after that I'm going to Ireland and maybe after that London if I can figure out getting there cheaply!

♥ you all tons and tons!!!

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