Alright, so I've been in Scotland for a little over a week now and am officially settled. This entry is just mainly pictures and not too many words. This whole entry may or may not make any sense. It was written really quickly! None of the pictures have been re-sized or fixed so click at your own computer's risk!
This is the little river that's right around my dorms. It's part of the botanical gardens that are also the walking route I take to get to the University.
part of the University. Mad pretty roight?? y/y?
Little mommy in front of it. She was totes in love with Glasvegas. I think she might've jeloz that I get to stay for longer.
Uhmm I'm not gonna lie, I can't remember what this is. I feel like it's a Library or something. Mom, if you're reading this can you leave an anonymous comment saying what it is so I can fix it? K Thanx bai.
Most of the University. So pretty roight?
THE CLOISTERS!!! I'm so in love lyke you don't even know.
Ok, this is what my mom decided we just HAD to see. A friggen bridge. Sorry mom I love you but you are so good at finding the dumbest thing in every city to see!
On the train to stupid Edinburgh.
The school I came to Glasgow with, Arcadia, had our orientation in Edinburgh because they had 52 students studying there and only 7 studying in Glasgow. It was kind of a waste of time for more reason than one but whatevz, I met some cool folk and now I know my way around Edinburgh which I don't really know what good that'll do me...
This is the Scoti Monument taken from the Edinburgh Castle, it's my favorite thing in Edinburgh cause it's so creepy looking! Please notice how I got both flags actually waving so you can see them. I got mad skillz.
A lot of Edinburgh castle pictures.
Looking down the barrel of a gun and it goes off... do do do do do
Uhmmm this was the best ice cream I've ever had and it may or may not be because it was in a teddy bear cone. Like omg adorable. Anyway, this was outside of Stirling Castle which if you couldn't guess it, is in Stirling, Scotland. It was a quaint little town but I can only do so well with quaint for so long.
Stirling Castle
I believe these were called Kings Knots but I'm not 100 percent on that one, and I'm not 100 percent on their purpose either!
Ok, so on the Scottish Royal Coat of Arms there is a UNICORN so like all over Scotland there are UNICORNS and I personally have a somewhat odd/fake obsession with Unicorns so Scotland was defintely the right choice for me. Anyway, there are unicorns EVRYWHERE. You can't escape them and they're awesome.
This was really awkward and it was really hard for me not to laugh at them so we only stayed for one "song"
The Scottish pound is slightly different than the British one!
After Stirling Castle we went into the Holy Rude church of Stirling
In the church my mom asked me if I saw the organ's, i'm not entirely sure how anyone could possibly miss them...
Unicorns :-P
And finally, for this entry, some little clock in Stirling.
After my mom left I went and saw Tiny Dancers at the famous King Tut's and they were absolutely amazing and uplifting. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures cause I didn't bring my camera! I'll probably write a review of it for NY2LON so if you really care how it went, you can check that site in a couple days.
Sadly, I havne't met any sexy Scots yet cause of all the orientation stuff they make us do! Freshers week starts next week so I can seduce all of the freshmen soon and finally, after that school starts!