Just to write

Apr 08, 2007 19:18

I am completely infuriated with the world. I am mad that some high and might holier than thou people are assuming things they shouldn't. One is confronting where she has no bizness to confront. One is asuming where he has no proof of anything. If anyone thinks I am pursuing someone and got the notion to tell someone...You are dead wrong. I am honestly, perfectly content with being single. I have done my wrongs in the past...and I am completely releaved of not having the drama of a boyfriend in my life. I am happy with where I am in life. If someone said something to him...then you need to make it straight.. I only wanted to be his friend...and now...he's blocked because he's sooo freakin paranoid that I like him. I don't. I don't know why you assumed you could tell him I did. I am not pursuing a relationship with anyone. And I can honestly say I DON"T LIKE ANYONE right now. Nothing more than friendship for me. that all I want. That's all I can handle right now.
Honestly I don't need anything that's related to drama...Tooo much of my life has been played out for the drama. I hate it. And I hate what I had to go through because of ASSUMPTIONS. Thanks people. whoever said something. I already had enough of a bad week...with finding out that one of my friend had drowned...and then it turned to being shunned because someone got the wrong idea. I have had enough of Rocky and all of it's stupid idea and dumb cliches...It's stupid. It's almost as if you can't just talk bout God...there has to gossip in there somewhere... not if she's a really close friend, because then gossiping would be wrong. But if she's some psycho maniac anyways it's ok to gossip and go to the guy you "think" she likes and let him know your "concerned" You are the most pathetic person I know. 
But don't worry bout me or anyone...You haven't betrayed anyone. Because in order for you to betray me...I would have had to told you something bout myself and him...oh woops..I didn't do that. I was never pursuing him. even way back when I did have a lil thing for him...I did not pursue it. So just for a reminder fo next time. Really think bout what your going to say before you say it. Cuz you were DEAD WRONG this time. I have one less friend because of you. Talk bout a rough week. I loose one friend because he drowned. Then I loose another...cuz of your idiotic assumption. I had enough on my plate...but you wouldn't know that, cuz you don't know me. And that's how it goes at rocky....I can't wait to leave.

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