Aug 01, 2004 21:17
ugh...ok im now typing this entry for the second time cause my comp decided to be gay the first guys i have had a sucky few days...and its summer!
anyways as i was saying...only 2 more wks of summer left and mine has been pretty awesome so far but i can't believe its almost over. im really excited about going to comm arts but im also kinda nervous, which is weird because i love meeting new ppl. i guess their "wisdom" intiidates me lol
i have been back in town for about 2 wks and it feels good to be home but i miss my lady and GA ppl too. this year i met the *wonderful* katie..we all had some awesome times! caitlin i miss you bunches!
hmmm but since i have been home i haven't done all that much, just chillin and seeing friends....soo if anyone wants to do anything soon let me know!
>*>hope ya'll like my new layout. caitlin did an awesome job! thanks again!<*<
...ill write more in here later
LoSt & CoNfUsEd TwIsTeD & uSeD
MuCh LoVe,