Dear Author!
First of all: Thank you so much for writing me a gift! I am going to LOVE IT, because it means NEW FIC (or in some cases FIRST EVER FIC) in any of these fandoms. And that just thrills me.
First and a half: Many many apologies for not getting my letter up in a timely fashion!
This letter got long and out of hand and has probably WAY more information than you need, so if you already had an idea and you don't think you need any more guidance GO FOR IT and feel free not to read on.
Squicks/Triggers: If your fic heads in a sexy direction please try to stay away from bodily waste, bestiality, and from sexualizing anyone who hasn't hit puberty. If you write about Demi Lovato, please try to keep any discussion of her eating disorders, self-injury, or mental health issues to a minimum.
General likes: Okay, so, I like pretty much everything. Crack, fluff, angst, gen, het, femmeslash, slash, G rated fic, kissing, porn, five things, canon, wacky AU's, AU's that explore what if things had been just a little different, epistolaries, character studies, curtainfic, slice of life, anything. Pick the mood or content you feel best fits the prompt and GO FOR IT.
On RPF: if you write an RPF fic in canon, I am a huge sucker for crunchy bits of canon that are woven into the narrative that make it come to life and seem more realistic (e.g., mentioning an actual event Kate and Will attended, or who went home on X-Factor). I like exploration of the interplay between the public and private sides of a celebrity's life.
Stalking: My tumblr is
here! My AO3 is
here! You can hit up
classictammy on tumblr if you have questions that require a friend.
Folgers "Brother and Sister" Holiday Commercial
"You're my present this year."
This commercial brings all the incesty feels to my yard every year. I end up shipping these two harder than I ship some of my full time OTPs who have extensive canon behind them.
That said, if you're uncomfortable with incest please don't write anything that squicks you! See my Dear Author letter for more details.
The Canon:
Here's the commercial. And someone edited it to really emphasize what makes it so great
here. The Request: Okay, so, I requested this last year and got TWO lovely gifts and was just thrilled to bits with them, and with the fact that FINALLY Folgers fic existed! And I think it might be against some kind of unwritten Yuletide rule to request something you've already received and I mean no offense to my AMAZING authors from last year, but I'm greedy and I love this commercial and I know that seeing it on my TV all the time in a few weeks is going to give me a HUGE onslaught of feels, SO I'M REQUESTING IT AGAIN.
As I said in the request, if you are squicked by incest or just not into it, PLEASE PLEASE don't feel obligated to write anything out of your comfort zone! I have some other requests in easy to grasp canons, and/or I'd be happy with any kind of lovely family holiday themed gen, or whatever calls to you about this commercial. For me fic works best when it's clear that the author really enjoyed writing it, so I want you to enjoy whatever you write.
X Factor US RPF
Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell
Throughout auditions and in all the promo even outside of the show Simon and Demi have been working up this incredible antagonistic sexual tension that just slays me. I'd love any amount of interaction between them that explores their dynamic.
The Canon: The X-Factor is (yet another) singing reality competition on Fox! This year, Demi Lovato and Simon Cowell (Demi/Simon.... "Demon") are two of the judges who usually sit next to each other and flirt and have lots of delicious
belligerent sexual tension.
The Request: Okay, I went to see the auditions when they came to my town not really expecting to come out of it with anything except having seen Demi and Britney and Simon (and LA? Although I'd never watched the show and didn't know anything about him) and maybe some amusing singers, but Demi and Simon had this INSANE chemistry with each other from the start. Demi just wouldn't let his overly harsh commentary stand and was always cutting him down to size. Also, during one of the breaks he drank out of his mug and handed it to her and she drank out of it too. DREAMY.
Anyway, I was instantly into it, and they just kept getting more and more cozy with each other throughout auditions and now into the live shows. I love their dynamic and I love age differences and belligerent sexual tension and Simon's pecs and I ship it romantically.
THAT BEING SAID if you don't ship it, I would love any kind of gen or friendship fic between them, since they clearly enjoy each others' company and get along. Or anything with a kind of mentor/father//mentee/daughter relationship would be great. Demi needs more positive role models in her life and I think Simon is one of them.
Feel free to include or not include as many or few of the supporting characters as you like! If LA and Britney and any of the acts make an appearance, or are major parts of the story, that's great! If not, that's great too!
Links n' things: Check out my
Demon tag on tumblr. You might notice that I've tagged some of them with "Demi's the dom," which is something I'd be interested in if the fic heads in that direction (I'd also be happy with the opposite and, as I said above, with vanilla or gen!).
Royalty RPF
Kate Middleton, Prince William Duke of Cambridge, Prince Henry of Wales | Harry Wales
Threesomes are my life's blood! I love the interaction between all three of them together. Particularly, I love that Harry and Kate obviously get on so well with each other, even in Wills' absence. I'd love any kind of threesome/triad fic about them.
If you're not comfortable with that, I love every permutation as well, so I'd gladly take Kate/Harry, Harry/Wills, or Kate/Wills, just as long as the third wheel doesn't get completely sidelined. Or if you'd rather write gen I'm just INTENSELY curious about what their domestic situation is like - how they're escaping some of the trappings of royal life but not all of them.
The Canon: William is the second in line to the throne of England! Kate is his wife! Harry is his brother!
The Request: I'm just really into these three. I love that at the wedding Harry sneaked a peek back and said
"wait till you see her". I love that Will couldn't attend the rehearsal and
Harry had to stand in for him. I love that they're now
all LIVING TOGETHER. I love basically
everything this article (lol Daily Mail) says. (OT3 OF MY HEART) I would love any kind of stable triad fic of any rating. If you want to get Kate pregnant and give the royal family it's first heir, that would be amazing too.
I said this previously in the letter, but if you are squicked by incest or threesomes or just not into it, PLEASE PLEASE don't feel obligated to write anything out of your comfort zone! As I said in the request I'd be happy with just Harry/Kate or Wills/Kate, or whatever calls to you about these three people. For me, fic works best when it's clear that the author really enjoyed writing it, so I want you to enjoy whatever you write.
Links n' things: I DIDN'T HAVE A TUMBLR DURING THE ROYAL WEDDING, but here is my sparse
Kate Middleton tag.
Morning Love
The Canon: It's a 3.5 minute short movie, available
here, made by Ian Bohen and starring Holland Roden, both of the Teen Wolf cast.
The Request: I just loved how open ended the twist ending was and wanted to know WHAT HAPPENS. I read the ending as ambiguous and not as an obvious resolution that she's going to die - and I'd rather she didn't in the fic, at least not graphically. With this one I kind of assumed anyone offering would have an idea going into the offer of what they wanted to do with this canon! If you need a specific direction I'd love a fic that really gets to the bottom of who he is and how she defeats him. I'd also be happy with any number of twists-on-the-twist. Also they were nominated as "The Lady" and "The Gentleman" but for readability please feel free to actually give them names!
Another option is WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE. How did they meet? How did he find her? Or did she find him? (twist on the twist!) Do you feel like writing just 1000 words of porn from the night before because I will read that?
On characterization: Obviously with such a tiny canon there's not much to go on in terms of characterization and you have pretty much free reign. That being said, I know this fandom has obvious connections to other larger fandoms and I want to clarify that I don't expect or desire The Gentleman to be a werewolf.
I think that's all I had to say! Thank you again for writing something for me, I'm so excited to read it!!