Return from Shay's party

Aug 11, 2006 15:05

Okay, so I'm back from Shay's party and I had so much fun. I loved breaking into the cabin and watching Clarisse play with tampons. "She's the Man" (quote or underline? I can't remember) was quite predictable and cheesey, but I really liked it because I like cheesey and predictable movies and I think Amanda Bynes is a good actor. I was amazed at how good Sarah looked with makeup on! I finished my volleyball camp today and it was so much fun. Truouts are monday 8:00am-10:30am amd 6:00pm-8:30pm and I'm not sure about tuesday's tryouts. my chances of making the team are slim, but I'm going to try my hardest and hope for the best. I'm really mad because the girls and I were going to see "John Tucker Must Die" (quote or underline? I can't remember), but it's not showing at the Newington theater, and it doesn't start plaing until 5:00pm at the portsmouth theater. I won't have time to se the movie and go to tryouts. I'm very sad, but I was thinking that we could either see a different movie that was playing earlier, see the movie on a different day, or you could see the movie without me *she says with a tear in her eye*. I'm really tired right now because I didn't get much sleep at Shay's party (probably more than Izzy, but still ot enough) and 4 days of volleyball. I hope this entry was more read-worthy than my previous ones.

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