I'm sorry, but I'm not making an icon of myself. That would require deleting a bunch of icons or paying money that I don't have for a paid account. My cat is easy enough to remember, I hope! Just look how cute he is! Awwwww...How could you forget such a precious little face? Awwwwww! *shuts up*
name: H
age: 20
sex: female
location: Massachusetts
actor: Johnny Depp
actress: Thora Birch
band: the creepy kind, like the Thai Elephant Orchestra.
solo singer: Laurel Brauns, Tori Amos, Elliott Smith, Aimee Mann
movie: Ghost World
least favorite-
actor: Vin Diesel
actress: Who's famous these days?
band: I don't know the names of any. I don't know if they still play N'Sync on the radio, but I still think they suck.
solo singer: Probably Britney Spears.
movie: The Scorpian King...or XXX...also, Gothika...arg, it's too hard to choose! There's so much trash!
opinions on-
bush: That man killed my cat!
abortion: Abortions rock. I wish everyone was aborted. It would make the world a better place.
hal sparks: Who?
iraq: I don't know, I've never been there. I'm completely against the war, if that's what you're asking.
invader zim: I love Invader Zim. I think the show is clever, hilarious, and one of the only shows on TV these days with any imagination. I think it's a real shame that most Invader Zim fans are a bunch of phony gits.
picture of yourself:
a self-portrait an artistic picture you've taken:
St. Peter's Basilica a funny picture you've taken:
Some kid and his kidnapper. other-
PROMOTE somewhere and give a link for proof!:
Okay.any thing you think will win us over.. either a picture or something you have to say: I'm pathetically lazy and completely stubborn, but I am really good at being harsh!