week in review...

Jan 19, 2009 00:00

So yes, I talked to my dad.  It took a few days for me to get up the guts, but I called him.  The first night I tried, I kept getting an error message, so maybe someone was on the internet?  I'm not sure.  Anyway, the second night I tried, I got them the first try.  His wife picked up and I politely asked to speak to Lee, and she handed over the phone without question.  I then said, "Hey Dad, it's Chelsea."  That was it at that point..he burst into tears and then I burst into tears and we talked for a bit over an hour and caught up on eachothers' lives.  It was fairly emotional all-around, but good overall.  I think I needed it.  I know I needed it.

The next day, my coworker looked at me after an hour of working together and said, "I know this sounds weird, but you seem oddly...lighter.  Like...less-burdened in some way.  You just seem...less troubled."

I hadn't realized the full extent of how much not having him in my life affected me until I had him there again I suppose.  There are definitely a lot of stipulations that are going to go along with this newly opened Pandora's Box, but that's just how it'll have to be for me to survive this round with him in it.
In other news, it's really insanely cold here.  Like...in the single digits for the past few days.  I finally turned on my heat the other day because I felt so darn bad for my poor cat, Loulou.  She's been curling up under the covers like a person with me the past few nights.  I lift up a pocket of covers beside me and she crawls in and turns around to get her head facing out and then rolls over as I let the covers down onto her so she's facing me and sideways.  I then cuddle her like a little stuffed animal.  Who needs a boy when I've got such a great cuddling cat to keep me company on the cold nights?
I have no earthly clue how it happened, but I might have fallen for someone that I never intended to.  This, of course, might be some huge mistake (and I'm hoping it is), but it seems to have come out of nowhere to bite me in the butt and unfortunately, a few others have noticed it as well.  How this kind of thing happens, i have no idea...but I'm definitely ready to get past this already, even if it's only been a few days that I've been aware of it.
There's a job with a military newspaper for a reporter/photographer stationed in Iraq and Afganistan as a combat reporter/photographer.  I want it so badly it hurts...but I'm so afraid of my underqualifiedness that I'm too scared to apply.  The deadline is fast approaching, and I'm spending every day talking myself up to it.  I really hope I at least give myself a chance to try.
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