Browned Butter Cupcakes

Nov 08, 2008 21:16

I made these cupcakes on 27 Sept 08 and only now am I posting about them! These Browned Butter Cupcakes are sooooo delicious. I first came across them in one of the cooking forums in LJ and I took a note of the recipe to try and I’m so glad I did!

It’s exactly what it says, browned butter. The butter is melted and browned before it’s used in the cake and this not only gives it a lovely brown colour but also this incredible caramel-ly flavour. Its just awesome! I’d go so far as to say, its in my top 5 favourite cupcakes:)


150g butter chopped into chunks
150g self-raising flour
60g golden caster sugar
60g light muscavado sugar
2 large eggs
1tsp vanilla
1tsp baking powder
2-3 tbp milk


Brown the butter by heating it in a pan until it melts.

Then simmer away until the solids separate, drop to the base and brown. Watch it like a hawk. It can turn from browned to burnt in a second!

When you can smell caramel, take the butter off the heat and pour it into a bowl.

Leave it to cool and solidify.

Once the butter has solidified, cream the butter and both the sugars.

Beat in the eggs and vanilla.

Fold in the flour and baking powder.

Add milk and fold again.

Divide into 12 cupcake liners, making sure not to overfill!

Bake for 15 mins in a 180C pre-heated oven.

Leave it to cool before icing.

It’s best if it’s a light based pan, helps u judge the colour of the milk solids better.
This is what it looks like before it turned brown.

You can clearly see the milk solids have turned brown.

Brown Butter Icing:

150g icing sugar

150g butter

1tsp vanilla extract

2-3 tbp milk

Brown the butter as before and allow it to solidify.

Sift the icing sugar onto the solidified butter and cream until it’s fluffy. Takes a wee while.

Now add the vanilla and enough milk to get it as soft and creamy as you want.

I managed to get some homemade puff-candy from Sloane market in Glasgow. Its basically the inside bit of a crunchie bar, I could just eat a pack of them in one go!

I smooshed a bit of icing on top of the cake and sprinkled some crushed puff candy on top. Delicious! :)

dessert, caramel, cake, brown butter

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