YAP~ this meme~!!! Yurii-chan tagged me with YAMADA RYOSUKE~~ KYAAAAAA~ thank you so much nee~ *huggs* love you~
Rules: Answer the questions with pictures of the person/character you were tagged with. Tag five other people and provide them with a person character. If you weren't tagged and would like a person, ask away :)
1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.
pffft...Yama-chan, what r u doing with that face?? yamachii are so random XDD
2. Choose a picture of your person eating.
OMG~ Yama-chan! share it with Yuto~ said 'aaaaa' so cuute~ <33
3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.
this or..
They're cute , alright?! sorry for my yamajima biased~ XDD
4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex. (maybe just a person with the opposite sex)
okay will evryone believe me if i said that yuuyan is actually a girl?? no? okay XDD
such a pretty girl 'SHE' is.. *sorry chii's fan* at least he is still kawaii with that saifuku ne... (Yamachii)
Yuto is being a shy girl to Yama-chan~~ (Yamajima)
credits : i'm sorry but i dont know either , i got the picture from googling. if there's someone that own the pictures, credits goes all to you~
5. Choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person.
ehm.. its hard.. GHAAAA!! okay if i have to choose~
at the rooftop?! XDD *maybe i'll just force Yama-chan to have s** with Yuto there*
i dont wanna rape Yama-chan?! I just wanna see Yuto to rape him XP
6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.
this? or maybe..
credits to :
blackrosie91 naturally i love him in every outfit even if he's not in an outfit as well XDD just kidding..
7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.
that smile killed me... ^_^v
credits to :
shadowsofcherry and
nakajimae they looked so happy together na~~
Yama-chan could smile so brightly like that only with Yuto beside him~~ XDD sorry for the yamajima overload~~ yama-chan with glasses-fetish attacked me
8. Choose a picture of your person half/naked.
have no idea but hey look! TAKAYAMA~ i'm sure yama-chan wasn't full naked
9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.
they're totally going out....door~~ XDD
10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.
i'm sorry this picture again.. but i do really really love this picture recently~ what can i do? my otp is smiling so happily together in this pic, touching shoulder XDD and those glasses YAMA-CHAAAANN~!! I LOOOVEEE YOUUUUU~~ he's so cute with those glasses on~ *flailed and screamed until my sister smacked me fully in the arm* XP ahh Yamajima paradise.. XDD kyaaaaaaaaaaaa
okay ssooo thats all folks, i really have a great time doing this meme~~ thanks Yurii-chan~!!
taiga_luise > Nakajima Yuto <33
yatsuiko_chan > Tegoshi Yuya X3
avi_yamajimafan > Yamada Ryosuke ( again~) its okay ryt?
laxdia14 > Masuda Takahisa (of course~) ^_^
lyndist > Takaki Yuya XDD