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Mar 17, 2005 23:30

Oh my... Time sure does fly, doesn't it? I'm graduating this Saturday already... :D It seems like it was just yesterday that I was cramming my day to day homework, activities and projects. I can't believe I'm finally done with this school year and summer's coming into view (yey!) Believe it or not, the dork that is me, is actually... is actually going to take dance class with the rest of my normal pals (ashly_2x1 , moronic_genius , supposedly buta_chan (not sure about this one yet) and a couple of my pals :D). I'm going to try and polish up a lot of my skills by this summer (like my sucky English, my stinking icon-making skills, my ignorance in the greatness of html and lay-out making, computer stuff and the like).

Damn... I wish I can get into the computer club next year... it'll save me trying to work hard, and I'll just bum around - god damnit high school students... accept me! ;__; *dorky incoming freshman alert* I hope I don't get trampled by my seniors too *has great traumatic experience with the highschool's higer ups* Hopefully, I'll get to enjoy the experience of high school too - though my parents say I have to improve my average by high school @.@ I'll try... but being 8 is already a friggin' miracle.

Tomorrow's a free day - I shall finally work on my newest fanlisting project - the Rey za Burrel x Lunamaria Hawke FL! YEY! I think I'm waaaaaaaay obsessed on this pair than I should be - especially since Rey had just been portrayed as oh-so-ultimately GHEI during phase 19 *cries to herself* I was not expecting that scene... NOT AT ALL. I did know that the Japanese fan population of G Seed Destiny had a huge fanbase for GilRey... but I didn't expect it to be so blatantly... *ick* portrayed. Though I have no right to complain; it's not as if ReyLuna is canon (but oh how I wish it so... ;__; don't they look perdy together?).

I think my interest on them started by the first few episodes - I though something like, "If that blonde guy is actually a guy, he would look pretty cute with that red-haired girl ^^" and I couldn't even remember their names then. After a few phases, I shifted my interest to the extreme prettiness of my <3 and OTP, Athrun x Cagalli. I disliked Shinn then too (and I don't like him too much as of now too - since he's a drama queen ^^ but I have this huge feeling I'd like him with Steller... though Auel and Sting have a thing for her! I swear! @.@) but after I found this doujin circle/fan-art site:

It's gorgeous, ain't it? ;__; I began to well... obsessively search every jap-site that seemed to be ReyLuna or ReyLuna because of this circle's art (and their AsuCaga is just as amazing too *drool*). It really doesn't help that they remind me very much of Neji and TenTen from Naruto... *hyperventilates* Since, I could have sworn I read something like it was a shock that Rey was not the one piloting Impulse even though he was clearly more "suited" for it that Shinn, the prima drama queen (like Shishido, ashly_2x1 XD). Neji's a genius too, but he's not paid attention to much because he's of branch family ;__; so the similarity striked me and made me love Rey so much (even though he seems to be ghei). Lunamaria is somewhat playful, teased by Rey (though in his own Rey ways) and very much like TenTen. She's not really much highlighted on her skills (like TenTen!, give them more airtime :3 though Luna's lucky to have lotsa frames in the OP theme, TenTen has such a small place in around a frame or so :(). Lunamaria seems cool (despite the fact that she seems to attach herself to our dear Alex Dino aka Athrun Zala :D), her attitude amuses me; her relationship with her sister is VERY amusing, she's a cheerful person and reprimands or drama queen, very much like how TenTen is a big sister to Lee... (OMG! I'm comparing Shinn to Lee O.O). Oh and yes, I must never forget this comparison, Rey has gorgeous hair, Neji has gorgeous hair... *dies a happy death*

The ReyLuna relationship is very much like how I see NejiTen is... Rey is that distant guy, but it's somewhat hinted that he cares for Lunamaria, even just a bit, so is Neji about TenTen. We can often find them in each others' company (like Neji and TenTen mind you) - they are often sent of together, though I think it's technically because they both pilots Zakus. Rey acts cold around Luna - like this certain scene in phase 18 (I think) when Lunamaria sa something about Athrun taking precautions against her and asking Rey, who was present at the scene all that time O.o;; said something like "I don't know" and something like that went on... :3 It was friggin' adorable. I also have this feeling that he get's jealous of her escapades in trying to flirt with Luna... I can still list a lot of the times I was paranoid enough to think of this pairing even though it was totally useless scenes but I have to go to sleep now...

I'm glad that I've somehow mellowed down in the obsession for the moment (until phase 21 is out at least ^^)... so it's currently replaced by my One Tree Hill fancy (Nathan x Haley @.@ is true love *and after reading spoilers, and downloading a crapload of clips that'll last me 15 more weeks in our country which just began season 2* THEY MUST NOT BREAK UP! NEVER EVER! EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL CHRIS FOR IT! ARRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!)


As you can see, it would do me best if I get some sleep and somehow, in the middle of that regain my sanity...

** ghei is not a typo whatsoever ^^ it's just how I like to spell the word gay (ghei = gay) ^^

** isn't Ruru/Ultimate Powers doujinshi beautiful? ;___; I honestly want them... OSHIGAKU damnit @__@ I need their OshiGaku...
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