A stretchy matte lycra-esque grey (for pants), a muted orange/coral-y stretch red for the top and burgundy vinyl (for necklace)
I believe I did a 3 hour shopping trip, combing through Jo-Ann's and Discount Fabrics in SOMA yesterday and I only came up with 3 of the 9 types of fabrics I needed.
So you know the annoying thing about a costume that is made up of different shades of the same color? It's super hard to find the right fabrics in a shade that is close enough to the reference pictures that will go with your other fabric pics. That and I'm sure some of these colors don't exist in real life. I mean really, the pants come off as greyish or brownish depending on the picture so I decided to just go for grey as brown seemed kinda Earth Kingdom-y.
To make matters worse I decided Katara's top and middle skirt layer are the same color yet the top would need to be a knit or stretch fabric to fit propers and look right while the skirt had to be cotton-y and non-stretchy to drape properly. Therefore I discovered 1) it's a pain in the ass to find knit or stretch in shade of the red that is not lipstick and not burgundy and 2) matching said strange colored knit/stretch to a like-colored non-stretch is almost impossible. To top it off I didn't find any gold colored fabric whatsoever that wasn't an embroidered brocade.
I am not losing hope yet as I still have one more really go-to place before I start desperately searching every fabric store in the city. Thankfully, I'll have a chance to go on the 21st since I have no work that day. Rawr.
Question: On the top skirt, I'm not sure what fabric I should make this out of. My initial take is that it's something pretty stiff like a denim or another bottomweight, but I'm really not so sure anymore. Any thoughts?
How are you all fairing?