(no subject)

Jan 18, 2019 19:25

Hi everyone,

I am selling my Takarazuka collection. Sadly, my interest shifted and I don't appreciate these items as much anymore as they deserve, so I decided to give them a new, better home. If you're interested you can contact me either here (I will try to check back regularly) or simply write an email to chibinischan[at]aol[dot]com. You can also contact me via twitter, it's simply chibinischan. All prices are negotiable, shipping from Germany excluded.

[See all]

VHS1: Shibuki Jun: The Last Day - VHS ~74 min - 5€
VHS2: Anju Mira: Mysterious Ange - VHS ~120 min - 2,50€
VHS3: Shibuki Jun: Rika ~Dinner Show~ - VHS ~74 min - 5€
VHS4: Shibuki Jun: Live Concert "All About Rika" - VHS ~100 min - 5€
VHS5: Shibuki Jun: Voy Evolucinando Rika ~Sayonara Show~ - VHS ~109 min - 5€

13: Shibuki Jun: Play without words - DVD ~50 min - 10€
14: Makoto Tsubasa: Kiseki no Tsubasa - DVD ~17 min - 2,50€
15: Shibuki Jun: Dinner Show 2004 - DVD ~70 min - 15€
16: Shibuki Jun: The last day - fanclub - DVD  ~7 min - 2,50€
17: Shibuki Jun: Special Autumn Event - DVD ~65 min - 10€
18: Shibuki Jun: Rika Fan Meeting - Charlie and Liza with...  - DVD ~90 min - 10€
19: Haruno Sumire: Veil Ami - sayonara show - DVD ~173 min - 30€

1: Flower Troupe: Haruno II (Fuyu monogatari - es - in the amber-hued rain/cocktail ) - DVD Set  ~132 min + ~66 min + ~168 min - 85€
2: Moon Troupe: Rika - Sky Stage Memorial Box - 3 DVD Set  ~368min  - 40€
3: Flower Troupe: Phantom - DVD ~176min - 75€
4: Flower Troupe: Fumetsu no Toge (Immortal Thorns) - DVD ~128 min - 40€
5: Flower Troupe: Haruno Sumire - I Got Music- DVD ~183min - 50€
6: Flower Troupe: Elisabeth- DVD ~152min + ~50min - 100€
7: Moon Troupe: Ernest in Love- DVD ~152min - 65€
8: Flower Troupe: Ten no Tsuzumi - DVD ~13 2min - 40€
9: La Rose de Versailles - Hiromu Kiriya: Oscar - DVD ~59 min - 15€
10: TCA Special Love and Dream - DVD ~111 min + ~126 min - 75€
11: In the Amber-Hued Rain / Cocktail- DVD ~158min - 40€
12: La Rose de Versailles - Haruno Sumire: Andre - DVD ~73 min - 20€

Moon 2005: Elisabeth- 10€
Flower 2004: La Esperanza / Takarazuka Maimu - 4€
Flower 2006: Phantom- 6€
Flower 2007: Adieu Marseilles / Love Symphony 4€
Flower 2002: Elisabeth- 10€
Moon 2003/2004: Seal of Roses- 6€
Flower2007: Akechi Kogorou no Jikenbo - Kurotokage- / Tuxedo Jazz 4€
Moon 2001: Ima Sumire Hana Saku / Ai no Sonata - 4€

Takarazuka Graph 04/3- 3€
Takarazuka Graph 06/8 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 06/9 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 06/10 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 07/3 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 07/5 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 07/6 - 3€
Takarazuka Graph 07/8 - 3€

Takarazuka Otome 2006 - 2€
Haruno Sumire: Something Cross - 15€
Haruno Sumire: Moment - 15€
Personal Book: Haruno Sumire - 10€
Takarazuka Personal Book II Collection Box (Book, Photos, DVD) - 15€

The Takarazuka III Tsukigumi - 5€
Le Cing 53 (Takarazuka's Floral Diaries -Spring Dances- / Senor Don Juan) - 3€
Shibuki Jun: Lica-Rika/L.R - 3€
Le Cing 69 (La Esperanza! / Takarazuka Maimu) - 3€
Shibuki Jun: Memorial Book - 10€
Shibuki Jun: J/S=R - 10€

each single photo/postcard - 0,50€
each Set - 2€

takarazuka sale, ayaki nao, takarazuka, phantom, elisabeth, haruno sumire, shibuki jun, takarazuka revue, takarazuka graph

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