Riko Miyagi's popular manga series "Mei-chan no Shitsuji" is going to be adapted as a stage musical next year, performed by the all-female Takarazuka Revue. Yuzuru Kurenai, the current otokoyaku of the Star Troupe, will play the lead role.
Akiko Kodama will write the script and direct. The musical's working title at the moment is "Mei-chan no Shitsuji -Watakushi no Inochi ni Kaete Omamori Itashimasu-." More details about the story and cast will be announced in future issues of Shueisha's magazine Margaret, in which the manga is serialized.
The original manga tells the story of an ordinary girl who suddenly ends up at an extremely wealthy all-girls school where every student has a personal butler. It was turned into a live-action series on Fuji TV last year, starring Nana Eikura (22) and Hiro Mizushima (26).
The Takarazuka version will be performed from January 29 to February 8 in the city of Takarazuka, Hyogo, then from February 15 to February 21 in Shinjuku, Tokyo.